

Total Downloads: 1,171 - First Release: Apr 30, 2015 - Last Update: May 3, 2017

5/5, 9 likes
  1. redBDGR updated PersonalBeacon with a new update entry:


  2. Ty sir. Perfect execution!
  3. hey , can i use this like lets say i have 2 teams and i want it so each team can only see his beacon ?
  4. i forgot to mention that i'm the one who's going to make the beacons for them.
  5. It would not be possible in the current state of the plugin, but it would be possible with some modification
  6. oh T_T, modifying plugins is not my thing :p , but i'll see what i can do , thank you though
  7. I perhaps would be able to add support for it, but how are you managing these teams?
  8. no plugins used , just 8 chosen players.
  9. Maybe to make it easy, i could just do something with permissions. I'll take a look into it when i get home this afternoon :)
  10. yeah that should work fine :) , thank you
  11. any update ? :p , one more question : does this plugin have console commands ?
  12. no updates as i have been super busy this last week, hoping to get a bunch of work done on the weekend
  13. awesome , can't wait :)
  14. Whenever I try to sue a command is says "You cannot use this command", How do I fix?
  15. You need to give yourself the permissions associated with this plugin, a guide on how to do this can be found here -> Using the Oxide permission system | Oxide
  16. @redBDGR Would you please update the plugin description and give a clear and upper located statement about that part of the code?>>
                if (!player.HasPlayerFlag(BasePlayer.PlayerFlags.IsAdmin))
                    player.SetPlayerFlag(BasePlayer.PlayerFlags.IsAdmin, true);
                    player.SendConsoleCommand("ddraw.arrow", time, color, new Vector3(pos.x, pos.y + arrowHeight + arrowLevitation, pos.z), new Vector3(pos.x, pos.y + arrowLevitation, pos.z), arrowHeadSize);
                    player.SendConsoleCommand("ddraw.text", time, color, new Vector3(pos.x, pos.y + arrowHeight + arrowLevitation + 5f, pos.z), name);
                    player.SetPlayerFlag(BasePlayer.PlayerFlags.IsAdmin, false);
    To inform about the used flagging.
    The reason behind is: Cause of this plugin many people think ddraw actions are still working for normal players, and do constantly bump me up for such things over severals plugins.

    Thx, Fuji :)
  17. We have global waypoints we would like to remove. Will there be a command to do such or are we doomed to /hideglobalwp and have the unused globals drifting through the ether for eternity? There are some globals we would like to reuse but cannot because we cannot remove any, there are only so many versions of one name we can make.
  18. I believe you can unload the plugin and edit the data file to remove them, but i will add a command for removing these when i get a chance
  19. Thanks a bunch. A command would be so useful vs. unloading/editing and reloading every time we need to remove a global. This plugin is great btw.
  20. Error while compiling: PersonalBeacon.cs(208,35): error CS0117: `ConsoleSystem' does not contain a definition for `Broadcast'