

Total Downloads: 21,436 - First Release: Oct 21, 2014 - Last Update: Mar 9, 2017

5/5, 35 likes
  1. You Need to Explain Little Better when I looking at the problem.

    WHen you say Other servers is that other one also yours

    can you tell Me all the Plugins you are useing. And Version Number

    Ofc Only if you want me to look more into it

    and is it a Payed One or home Made.

    If Home made: Maded On Linux OR Windows

    Using CMD Steam Or Vanilla =?
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 26, 2015
  2. this plugin does not seem to work on the new update ? maybe because of the new items in the game>?
  3. Works fine for me
  4. ok ill have to double check on it then thanks
  5. Sorry for this question but Im running a server and I installed the Oxide mod and uploaded this plugin. When I press F1 in game it doesnt recognise the /give command, what do I need to do?
  6. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    That's a chat command, not a console command. Console commands do not have slashes in them. The console commands for this plugin are listed on
  7. Oh snap Im so sorry :D Everything is working now, thanks a lot and have a nice weekend!
  8. I need a new Update for the new Oxide please...
  9. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Nothing changed in Oxide for plugins. Are you getting errors?
  10. No, it don`t work- no command -, also the kits... I try to install and restart again.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1425145505,1425137428][/DOUBLEPOST]After new Rust update and oxide update and restart the Plugins still don`t work (Give and Kits). "Unknown Command"... What shall I do now?
  11. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Check your logs for errors.
  12. Thank you, Problem solved...
  13. Somehow I can't /give or inv.giveplayer. It keeps saying items don't exist. Even when I write them like 'Metal Door' Is this a bug in my server or did they remove it?
  14. Thx for plugin! It's works fine!
    But there is one nuance - if inventory is full, the item is still "gives"
    in the version of the plugin for Legacy was a chek and an appropriate response to the console

    as an example:
    but I had a full inventory at this point and the item just disappears
  15. prescribed not the entire list

    inv.giveplayer {SteamID} "syringe_medical BP" how(1)
    inv.giveplayer {SteamID} "pistol_revolver BP" how(1)
    inv.giveplayer {SteamID} "rifle_ak BP" how(1)
    inv.giveplayer {SteamID} "rifle_bolt BP" how(1)
    inv.giveplayer {SteamID} "shotgun_pump BP" how(1)
    inv.giveplayer {SteamID} "shotgun_waterpipe BP" how(1)
    inv.giveplayer {SteamID} "smg_thompson BP" how(1)
    inv.giveplayer {SteamID} "ammo_pistol BP" how(1)
    inv.giveplayer {SteamID} "ammo_rifle BP" how(1)
    inv.giveplayer {SteamID} "ammo_shotgun BP" how(1)
    inv.giveplayer {SteamID} "lock.code BP" how(1)
    inv.giveplayer {SteamID} "metal_facemask BP" how(1)
    inv.giveplayer {SteamID} "metal_plate_torso BP" how(1)
    inv.giveplayer {SteamID} "longsleeve_tshirt_blue BP" how(1)
    inv.giveplayer {SteamID} "urban_jacket BP" how(1)
    inv.giveplayer {SteamID} "urban_pants BP" how(1)
    inv.giveplayer {SteamID} "urban_boots BP" how(1)
    inv.giveplayer {SteamID} "vagabond_jacket BP" how(1)
    inv.giveplayer {SteamID} "box_wooden_large BP" how(1)
    inv.giveplayer {SteamID} "hatchet BP" how(1)
    inv.giveplayer {SteamID} "hammer_salvaged BP" how(1)
    inv.giveplayer {SteamID} "axe_salvaged BP" how(1)
    inv.giveplayer {SteamID} "icepick_salvaged BP" how(1)
    inv.giveplayer {SteamID} "pickaxe BP" how(1)
    inv.giveplayer {SteamID} "largemedkit BP" how(1)
    [DOUBLEPOST=1425650697][/DOUBLEPOST]when issuing large sets appear only part
  16. I just did a clean install because of the wipe. I installed Oxide 2 againd and also this plugin. I added ownerid's through Rusty but when I type /give ingame it says Im not allowed to use the command. Am I doing something wrong?
  17. @Mughisi so... Reneb don't answer to my report, but I still need your fixes...

    If someone sleeping on the server (not connected) he can receive items... Any way to remove that, cuz this rly bad!
  18. After today rust server update :)

    12:57 AM [Debug] ExType: NullReferenceException
    12:57 AM [Error] Failed to call hook 'OnServerInitialized' on plugin 'Give' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
    12:57 AM [Debug]   at Oxide.Plugins.Give.OnServerInitialized () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.MonoMethod:InternalInvoke (object,object[],System.Exception&)
      at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  19. This one is working for me, make sure to unload the current give plugin first before uploading and loading this one.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1425889627][/DOUBLEPOST]Removed a leftover debug value and fixed the inv.giveplayer command when supplying a steam id when no valid player is present.

    Attached Files:

    • Give.cs
      File size:
      20.1 KB