

Total Downloads: 247 - First Release: Nov 13, 2017 - Last Update: Dec 6, 2017

5/5, 6 likes
  1. They are the same as the chat commands, i will update the overview
  2. @redBDGR I can't get the console commands to work, please can you look over this? thx. Also their is a typo on the console commands overview.
  3. When I saw this plugin, I thought that the messages are displayed in the chat with cooldown as like advertmessages. It would be nice to do the options in cfg for advertising
  4. u can use the console commands here with this plugin Timed Execute | Oxide
  5. not sure if this is already possible, but it would be cool to trigger these upon certain actions
    for instance, if a player dies of hunger it could say, try using /kit food if you're dying of hunger
    or find mushrooms in the wild for consumation
  6. if you really want it that bad you could staring learning c# with visual studio and use the oxide hooks to do something like that