1. Same errors with dependencies but different message error.

    Attached Files:

  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Odd, I'll have to look into it more. Not experiencing any issues locally or on the build server, so puzzled as to why both of you would be.
  3. Same problem as it use to be, latest version. (not preview)
    This bug is being reported all over the place and Microsoft is repeating the same thing: "we don't have enough information". It is clearly a bug in Visual Studio 2017, it's just that there is no sample app to prove it. We have a project in Visual Studio 2015 that compiles and runs fine. Yet, we cannot open the same project in Visual Studio 2017. I have 15.4.1. I upgraded today. We cannot work in Visual Studio 2017 because of this bug
    From dimensionValuesMap on opening solution - Developer Community
  4. @Wulf, @Frenk92 - any ideas?
    Latest version - same issue. But now it tells me that VS has run into a non-fatal error while opening the project.
  5. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    No, no idea right now sorry. Both Visual Studio 2017 setups I have are working fine, so I'm about as stumped as they are.
  6. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

  7. I found a solution. Run a build batch and select only release configuration (select all needed dependencies and Rust). If you get an error of "UnauthorizedAccess", you have to edit a line of "Rust.csproj":
    <Exec Command="powershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted $(SolutionDir)Steam.ps1 -project $(AssemblyName) -dotnet $(TargetFramework) -appid $(SteamAppId) -branch $(SteamBranch) -managed $(ManagedDir)" />
    <Exec Command="powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass $(SolutionDir)Steam.ps1 -project $(AssemblyName) -dotnet $(TargetFramework) -appid $(SteamAppId) -branch $(SteamBranch) -managed $(ManagedDir)" />
    After you have builded the project, reload it to see all the dependencies. If you get some new errors, let me know.
  8. I have same kind of problems. I'm running the released MSVC 2017. I can open other MSVC 2015 projects I have in MSVC 2017 without errors.

    Using the OxideMod master branch, I get this error when opening it in MSVC 2017:
    Problem signature:
      Problem Event Name:    Dev11NonFatalError
      AppName:    devenv.exe
      AppVer:    15.0.27004.2005
      AppStamp:    59e69397
      AsmAndModName:    Microsoft.VisualStudio.Validation
      ModStamp:    cdeef569
      MethodDef:    29
      Offset:    58
      ExceptionType:    System.ArgumentException
      Component:    CPS
      OS Version:    6.3.9600.
      Locale ID:    1033Read our privacy statement online:
      http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=280262If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline:
    And then I get the same "dimensionValuesMap" error as the others. I tried Frenk92's suggestion just now and it didn't fully complete the build...ever. I'll go back I guess and try some more.

    After making the change to rust.proj suggested by Frenk92 (even though I had no access denied message), I was able to start the Rust build but it failed with the errors:

    Severity    Code    Description    Project    File    Line    Suppression State
    Error        The system cannot find the file specified.    Rust    C:\GitHub\serverside\Oxide\Games\Oxide.Rust\EXEC    1  
    Severity    Code    Description    Project    File    Line    Suppression State
    Error    MSB3073    The command "powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass C:\GitHub\serverside\Oxide\Steam.ps1 -project Oxide.Rust -dotnet net35 -appid 258550 -branch public -managed RustDedicated_Data\Managed" exited with code 1.    Rust    C:\GitHub\serverside\Oxide\Games\Oxide.Rust\Rust.csproj    108  
    Something goofy is going on because I've been able to just download OxideMod source month after month and just build it, but this is the first time I've tried since the move to MSVC 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 21, 2017
  9. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    We don't put the game DLLs in our repositories anymore, which is what the Steam.ps1 (what the powershell line executes) grabs and patches. If the powershell script doesn't run, you won't get any dependencies and the build will fail.
  10. That's probably a good idea. I saw something like that in the PS script. I'm reading through it to see where the fail is for my side.

    I ran the powershell command outside of MSVC but from within the Oxide.Rust directory:
    Getting references for public branch of 258550
    Determining latest release of DepotDownloader
    Dowloading version 2.2.2 of DepotDownloader
    Invoke-WebRequest : Parameter cannot be processed because the parameter name
    'Out' is ambiguous. Possible matches include: -OutFile -OutVariable -OutBuffer.
    At C:\GitHub\serverside\Oxide\Steam.ps1:50 char:64
    +         Invoke-WebRequest $json.assets[0].browser_download_url -Out
    "$depot_dir\ ...
    +                                                                ~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (:) [Invoke-WebRequest], Parame
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : AmbiguousParameter,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands
       .InvokeWebRequestCommandExtracting DepotDownloader release files
    Expand-Archive : The term 'Expand-Archive' is not recognized as the name of a
    cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the
    name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
    At C:\GitHub\serverside\Oxide\Steam.ps1:52 char:9
    +         Expand-Archive "$depot_dir\$release_zip" -DestinationPath $depot_dir
    -Fo ...
    +         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (Expand-Archive:String) [], Comm
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundExceptionCould not start or complete DepotDownloader process
    This command cannot be run due to the error: The system cannot find the file spe
    Guess maybe I have the wrong PS version? I'm on Server 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 21, 2017
  11. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Yeah, that's too outdated for that as I wrote it around 4+ I believe, which 5 is what Windows 10 includes. You may be able to update it manually.
  12. Upgrading to PS5 fixed the depot downloading thing. I still have the 2 MSVC startup errors and it won't build the whole solution by right-clicking. I get
    ========== Rebuild All: 0 succeeded, 0 failed, 17 skipped ==========
    but if I use the batch build, I can get it to build. Weird.
  13. Code:
    Error    MSB3073    The command "powershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted D:\Games\Rust\Oxide\Steam.ps1 -project Oxide.Rust -dotnet net35 -appid 258550 -branch public -managed RustDedicated_Data\Managed" exited with code 1.    Rust    D:\Games\Rust\Oxide\Games\Oxide.Rust\Rust.csproj    108   
    What now?)
    Running script outside of the VS says that it COuld not find a .csproj file for Rust...
  14. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    That would indicate that where you ran it from was not where it expects it to be ran from.
  15. With a batch build everythins compiles, but rust... dafuq is this...
    Then where I should run it from? Rust project folder?
    [DOUBLEPOST=1508590692][/DOUBLEPOST]Yep. it's downloading it right now. The problem was simple - i didn't have IE setup correctly =)
  16. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Yes, the .csproj runs is from there.
  17. Finally! Seems that the batch build do the trick.... I have no idea what the problem can be....
    ========== Build: 7 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
    But if I try to run the usual build solution command....
    1>------ Skipped Build: Project: References ------
    2>------ Skipped Build: Project: Core ------
    3>------ Skipped Build: Project: CSharp ------
    4>------ Skipped Build: Project: SQLite ------
    5>------ Skipped Build: Project: Lua ------
    6>------ Skipped Build: Project: MySql ------
    7>------ Skipped Build: Project: Unity (Extensions\Unity) ------
    8>------ Skipped Build: Project: JavaScript ------
    9>------ Skipped Build: Project: Python ------
    10>------ Skipped Build: Project: Blackwake ------
    11>------ Skipped Build: Project: Hurtworld ------
    12>------ Skipped Build: Project: MedievalEngineers ------
    13>------ Skipped Build: Project: ReignOfKings ------
    14>------ Skipped Build: Project: Rust ------
    15>------ Skipped Build: Project: SavageLands ------
    16>------ Skipped Build: Project: SpaceEngineers ------
    17>------ Skipped Build: Project: TheForest ------
    ========== Build: 0 succeeded or up-to-date, 0 failed, 17 skipped ==========
    That's wired as hell....
  18. I get the same skipped versions. And if I try to build the entire OxideMod, even as batched, it just hangs on everything but rust. I suspect we need to make the same change to the *.csproj for all games as was made to the Rust one to get it to batch build. We're on a wild ride.
  19. Should we be working this as an issue on Github? I don't mind moving the discussion there
  20. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    This is fine, I made the change to Bypass locally and haven't noticed any issues.