
Build, spawn, plant, upgrade, deploy anything the way that you want it.

Total Downloads: 21,156 - First Release: Nov 8, 2014 - Last Update: Jul 26, 2018

4.9/5, 50 likes
  1. how do i rotate!?? i dont know how to select a object
  2. Hello. Excellent plugin
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2017
  3. Remove all? urgent!!!
    Use net_env.prefab
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 8, 2017
  4. /buildgrade 4 all
    is not working FOR ALLLLLLLLL its working like SELECT :/
  5. ZdK


    a new list no one?
  6. The command /animal doesn't seem to work
  7. open the plugin by Notepad++
    finde :
    void InitializeAnimals()
    animalList = new Dictionary<string, string>();
    foreach (var str in GameManifest.Current.pooledStrings)
    if (str.str.Contains("autospawn/animals"))
    var animalPrefab = str.str.Substring(41);
    animalList.Add(animalPrefab.Remove(animalPrefab.Length - 7), str.str);
    this part of the code still has the OLD animal prefab location

    change it to this:
    void InitializeAnimals()
    animalList = new Dictionary<string, string>();
    foreach (var str in GameManifest.Current.pooledStrings)
    if (str.str.Contains(""))
    if (str.str.Contains("-") || str.str.Contains("_")) { continue; }
    var animalPrefab = str.str.Substring(str.str.LastIndexOf("/") + 1).Replace(".prefab", "");
    if (animalPrefab.Contains(".")) { continue; }
    animalList.Add(animalPrefab, str.str);
  8. I made the change, uploaded. Still get the same error. Even tried reloading, althought it already did when i uploaded, but still nochange.
  9. Trying to rotate gives me the following message in rcon:

    (20:53:17) | StringPool.GetNumber - no number for string UpdateConditionalModels

    (20:53:17) | NetworkData.Write - no handler to write System.Object[] -> System.Object[]

    It's on all building parts.
  10. i recommend "Building Grades" u can just do /up and it upgrades it all
  11. thank you perfect <3 .
  12. I noted that when running the resource listing my console would over run the screen OR it would not run at all because the list was so big... so I started looking at a way to fix this and hope that @Reneb will incorporate my changes.

    First is a screen capture from BeyondCompare that shows Renebs code on the left and mine on the right and then below that a code snippet if you want to grab and use. For the code snippet the command change is minor but if you want to see a mining.pumpjack only then you type /buildhelp resources mining and then your list is narrowed to only prefabs that are prefixed by mining. You may also use /buildhelp resources pumpjack.


                else if (args[0].ToLower() == "resources")
                    int i = 0;
                    var filtr = "";
                    if (args[1].ToLower() != "")
                        filtr = args[1].ToLower();
                    SendReply(player, "======== Commands ========");
                    SendReply(player, "/plant \"Resource ID\"");
                    SendReply(player, "Please check in your console to see the full list");
                    if (filtr == "") { SendEchoConsole(, "======== Prefab List ========"); }
                    if (filtr != "") { SendEchoConsole(, string.Format("=== Prefab List - filter: {0} ===", filtr)); }
                    foreach (string resource in resourcesList)
                        if (filtr == "")
                            SendEchoConsole(, string.Format("{0} - {1}", i, resource));
                            if (resource.IndexOf(filtr) > 0)
                                SendEchoConsole(, string.Format("{0} - {1}", i, resource));
    [DOUBLEPOST=1506878459][/DOUBLEPOST]Has anyone experienced that a /plant pump jack sometimes does not output oil? Mine is not.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2017
  13. i always use /plant with their specified numbers like /plant 293 or something...
    i know that the console output is too long for the ingame console window.

    You eather can look then into your rust_data (CLIENT) folder and read the full output log.

    Or , that what u use lately - plugin called "PrefabSniffer"
    u can lookup all the assets and prefabs or "Just" the ones used by build plugin with their numbers
  14. Where to find full plant ID list?
  15. Hello use this plugin to create a datafile with prefabs numbers

    PrefabSniffer for Rust | Oxide

    type in the console prefabs build
  16. for a while now and i dont know if it is just me but whenever i want to make an animal it doesnt show up when i do /buildhelp animals the animal list is empty??
  17. Please help driving me insane!

    I'm running rust server on Gameservers.
    I have installed the latest server version
    Installed Oxide 2.0
    installed python and javascript for plugins

    I inserted plugin files in rust>oxide>plugins and the log shows them loading correctly.

    I have also restarted the server twice now but none of the commands seem to work i type Build.builder and nothing build help

    /build help nothing happens at all
    [DOUBLEPOST=1507482830][/DOUBLEPOST]You type commands into chat interface instead of console.... solved.
  18. Hello.
    I tried to use, I have permission (ex. I can use /plant Lantern), but I cant deploy animal...
    I tried:
    /animal horse
    /animal Horse
    /animal "horse"
    /animal "Horse"
    ...but its didnt work :/
    Invalid Argument 1: For more informations say: /buildhelp animals
  19. Doing /build foundation crashes the player with the new update.
  20. /build crash