

Total Downloads: 42,621 - First Release: Feb 26, 2015 - Last Update: Mar 20, 2018

4.95699/5, 93 likes
  1. still having the same problem even after I removed the namelist.json like you said. it spawned in another file for nameslist.json

    (20:06:49) | Unloaded plugin BetterLoot v2.11.9 by Fujikura/dcode

    (20:06:49) | Loaded plugin BetterLoot v2.11.9 by Fujikura/dcode

    (20:06:49) | [BetterLoot] Updating internals ...

    (20:06:49) | [BetterLoot] There are 37 items in the global Barrels LootTable.

    (20:06:49) | [BetterLoot] There are 37 items in the global Crates LootTable.

    (20:06:49) | [BetterLoot] There are 38 items in the HeliTable.

    (20:06:49) | [BetterLoot] There are 94 items in the SupplyTable.

    (20:06:49) | [BetterLoot] Removed 5 stacked LootContainer (out of 1781)

    (20:06:50) | Failed to run a 0.10 timer in 'BetterLoot v2.11.9' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
  2. Is there any way to bring back the plugin to the way it used to be?

    Setting a modifier which would make the loot drops considerably simpler?

    x% to drop common items
    x% to drop uncommon items
    x% to drop rare items
    x% to drop very rare items

    I miss that system. I'm stuck using MagicLoot because fine tuning the better loot with the weird default loot tables that it creates.
  3. The way it used to be? I has simply not such output more cause of the multiple lists it got currently, and it would have been exhausted the console to display all those infos. But the plugin still works by this system.
  4. Is there a way to modify chances of things spawning? I've edited tables but I dont know if it's working because it's spawning all the regular shit
  5. Changing raritys >> BetterLoot for Rust - 2.11.5 | Oxide
  6. Nope, its an Override of the server-included defaults.
  7. Ok because I've updated all the loot tables and nothing has shown up in any of the crates apart from the default spawns
  8. Sorry to ask again but how do I make custom items spawn in barrels/crates?

    It just is not working when I update the item list fully.

    Had the same luck with magic loot, is there something else I need to change for it to recognize my loot table and not the server one?

    Upon first installation it spawns crazy amount of all components, then after tweaking it, it seems to return to server standard again with none of the loot that I added.
  9. I cant figure out how to configure this to drop 5x reg components, can anyone provide a .json? itd help lots.
  10. If you want a plugin to boost components only, you should look at magicloot.
  11. I have just removed all components from the crafting menu in game, but how do i remove then entirely from the barrel and junk pile system, it works sometimes when i blacklist them, but not for junkpiles, everything still spawns from them. how do i stop this?
  12. The plugin does only support two itemlists, one for crates and one for barrels.
    Isn't it posible to split those two item lists into seperate tables for the different crates/barrels?
    Would be weird if the good boxes suffer on the loot of the small boxes
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 22, 2017
  13. Not really...needs a whole bunch if changes, for which the plugin structure is not made for.
  14. Do you know any plugin that allows me to change the loot table of each type of barrel/crate?
    I thought I could just add my own type of category for example "Crate2" and add seperate crate types to it, and change the item list for "Crate2" (Just an example)
  15. Public plugin: Only LootConfig...pure and naked LootSpawn management
    Sold Plugin: Only AlphaLoot...simple, fast and complete management of any container
  16. Fujikura updated BetterLoot with a new update entry:


  17. I would but that plugin is confusing as fuck "Update" I figures the plugin out, I got it to drop 5x, but is there a way to separate regular boxes from weapon crates?
  18. Ask Norn in his thread. Then you know..or not ;)
  19. Purchased Alpha loot and have tried to get in contact with you hopefully this sends an alert to your phone or something idk