Admin Leave and Join

Displays a chat message when a admin leaves or joins to all the players

Total Downloads: 1,250 - First Release: Jul 25, 2016 - Last Update: Oct 29, 2016

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  1. Austinv900 submitted a new resource:

    Admin Leave and Join - Displays a chat message when a admin leaves or joins to all the players

    Read more about this resource...
  2. So if I can post a stupid question, it haves permission system, thats great and what I wanted, but I want to ask if it will only show up in chat if I have permission, or If I am just authlevel2 (RUST admins system) basicaly I want to give it only to moderators (authlevel1) but I dont want it on me as a owner/admin (authlevel2).
  3. I have a couple updates I need to post. But it should be permission based and auth based if I remember correctly
  4. darn, can you do in config like use permissions true false and use authlevel tru/false (for rust) ? :)
  5. What if I changed it so the group you have the option to choose to just use permission and not the whole admin group in general

    Right now it should work like this
    If you have perm (and/or) Have oxide group "admin"

    Announce Login/Logoff
  6. Austinv900 updated Admin Leave and Join with a new update entry:


  7. Well the problem is I dont want to have involved groups or so, I want it clearly based on permission, nothing else :) no group count in, no authlevel count it, just the glory oxide permission system :) So I can really maximaly configure what I want to give or not ;)
  8. Okay, I'll make the group setting toggle
  9. Austinv900 updated Admin Leave and Join with a new update entry:


  10. Nice plugin
  11. Thanx alot, love it and its awesome ;) Thanx again to hear my request :D

    BTW Pokeball logo ? PokemonGO Hype I see, reminds me like those 15-20 years back when it was live in TV what that Hype was - I was collecting pictures of those that were in bublegums :D
  12. =D BTW I havent tested the config toggle let me know if it works the way you need it too
  13. Great plugins guy :) Instant upload :p but i can use a messagejoin for group admin and an others message for group moderator ? and maybe again an others message for an others group ?

    Pokemon is better than Rust, you want say it ?!!!!!!! :mad: :p
  14. Ill work on something for a moderator message. A temporary fix would be change the prefix inside your config so it says like "StaffJoin" or something
  15. I have made a ModeratorLeaveJoin moment, i upload it
    [DOUBLEPOST=1469482663][/DOUBLEPOST]There is the code

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence;
    using Oxide.Core.Plugins;namespace Oxide.Plugins
        [Info("ModLeaveJoin", "austinv900 (modified by Fablitos)", "0.0.3", ResourceId = 2032)]
        [Description("Custom Join and Leave Message when moderator leave and join")]    class ModLeaveJoin : CovalencePlugin
        {    #region Initialization
        const string perm = "modleavejoin.allowed";        void Init()
                permission.RegisterPermission(perm, this);
            #endregion        #region Configuration        bool showJoin;
            bool showLeave;
            string msgPrefix;
            bool isAdminSupport;        protected override void LoadDefaultConfig()
                Config["ShowJoinMessage"] = showJoin = GetConfig("ShowJoinMessage", true);
                Config["ShowLeaveMessage"] = showLeave = GetConfig("ShowLeaveMessage", true);
                Config["MessagePrefix"] = msgPrefix = GetConfig("MessagePrefix", "AdminJoin");
                Config["AdminGroupSupport"] = isAdminSupport = GetConfig("AdminGroupSupport", true);
            #endregion        #region Localization        void LoadDefaultMessages()
                lang.RegisterMessages(new Dictionary<string, string>
                    ["Online"] = "<color=#a100ab>{0}</color> has come <color=#00c30d>{1}</color>",
                    ["Offline"] = "<color=#a100ab>{0}</color> has just went <color=#C90000>{1}</color>",
                    ["Connected"] = "<color=#00c30d>Online</color>",
                    ["Disconnected"] = "<color=#C90000>Offline</color>"
                }, this, "en");            lang.RegisterMessages(new Dictionary<string, string>
                    ["Online"] = "<color=#a100ab>{0}</color> se ha <color=#00c30d>{1}</color>",
                    ["Offline"] = "<color=#a100ab>{0}</color> Se acaba de <color=#C90000>{1}</color>",
                    ["Connected"] = "<color=#00c30d>conectado</color>",
                    ["Disconnected"] = "<color=#C90000>Desconectado</color>"
                }, this, "es");
            }        #endregion        #region Main Hooks        void OnUserConnected(IPlayer player)
                if (!showJoin) return;
                if (HasPermission(player.Id, perm))
                    aljAnnounce("Online", "Connected", player.Name);
            }        void OnUserDisconnected(IPlayer player)
                if (!showLeave) return;
                if (HasPermission(player.Id, perm))
                    aljAnnounce("Offline", "Disconnected", player.Name);
            }        #endregion        #region Grunt Work
            void aljAnnounce(string status, string status2, string adminjoin)
                foreach (var player in players.GetAllOnlinePlayers())
                        player.Reply("[<color=#C90000>" + msgPrefix + "</color>] : " + Lang(status, player.BasePlayer.Id, adminjoin , Lang(status2, player.BasePlayer.Id)));
            #region Helpers
            T GetConfig<T>(string name, T defaultValue)
                if (Config[name] == null) return defaultValue;
                return (T)Convert.ChangeType(Config[name], typeof(T));
            }        bool HasPermission(string id, string perm) => permission.UserHasPermission(id, perm);        string Lang(string key, string id = null, params object[] args) => string.Format(lang.GetMessage(key, this, id), args);
    [DOUBLEPOST=1469482762][/DOUBLEPOST]@Cataclysme @Austinv900 I deleted the admin audit, and remove the check of group, if the player has the permission "modleavejoin.allowed" that emits a message
  16. Yeah just copy the plugins and change the persmissions and the name of plugins but i need only one plugins with more option, i think @Austinv900 can do it :)
    But thx for this plugins Aunstinv ^^
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 26, 2016
  17. Austinv900 updated Admin Leave and Join with a new update entry:


  18. I think add a command (/ available) to see if an admin is present (if IsAdmin) and give the username admin, or these admins
    No? :)

    (Based on Request - Admin on duty tool | Oxide)
  19. I was thinking of this being a rust plugin I forgot its a universal plugin in that case it would be a great idea