

Total Downloads: 3,808 - First Release: May 25, 2016 - Last Update: Oct 25, 2016

5/5, 12 likes
  1. does it work for forest yet? just checking in i take it not yet lol just wondering
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    No, I'll post an update for Oxide when it is available and this plugin will automatically be working for it.
  3. Hello, Is it possible to have the 'grant user <name|id> whitelist.allowed' directly into the config file so I can keep track of who I have given white list too and also delete them easier? If so, what is the correct way to type it into the config file.

    Thanks in Advance.
  4. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    It uses the permissions system, which you can see who has that permission by using the 'show perm whitelist.allowed' console command.
  5. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    It works as of the latest Oxide update. ;)
  6. does it work for forest now?
  7. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Yes, but there isn't an easy way to whitelist the users now other than setting a Steam group in the config. We haven't added commands for The Forest yet to grant permissions and such.
  8. so if i understand right it does work for forest but if i start a group on steam and add the people that i want to be in it they are the only ones that can play right?
  9. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Yup! That would be the best way to manage it right now until I can get commands added to The Forest.
  10. now the only thing i change is the Whitelist.json right? and all i do is make a group in steam and add the people i want to play with and put the group name in like this
    "AdminExcluded": false,
    "SteamGroup": "Hostile Forest Take Over"
    and when i do this it says im not white listed but i have myself as admin and three other in the group and they get the same thing not white listed how do i fix this?
  11. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Could you link me your group page please?
  12. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Try HostileForestTakeOver for the group name. Also make sure to force the plugin to reload the config by removing it and re-adding it to the plugins folder, else restart the server. Normally you'd use a console command for this, but those aren't in yet for The Forest.
  13. now i get this lol------------- The file 'C:/Users/Bigfoot/Desktop/forest/TheForest_Data/level0' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again! [Position out of bounds!]
    so i take it out i get this-------
    Level 'ForestMain_v08' (1) couldn't be loaded because it has not been added to the build settings.
    To add a level to the build settings use the menu File->Build Settings...
    NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    im alittle lost now
  14. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    You can't remove that, it's part of the game. I'm not sure why you get it, but it doesn't cause any issues and isn't related to this plugin.
  15. when i copy the save from my game and put it in to the server it still starts over again why? i should be able to load my old save in the server right ?
  16. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    It loads from Slot0 by default unless you change that setting. The save stuff isn't working 100% yet though, but let's keep on topic for this thread. ;)
  17. ok i got the save to work now but i just don't like the bot person to run the server you know but ur right i'll stay on topic lol thanks for all thanksfor all the hard work
  18. I have a question, can this be used with something other than steam, like a website or something? (sorry still new to oxide as a whole but getting the hang of it)
  19. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    That'd essentially be an entirely different plugin, no functionality in it right now for that and could vary by each website depending on your site.