Timed Execute

Execute commands every (x) seconds.

Total Downloads: 3,224 - First Release: May 29, 2016 - Last Update: Jun 5, 2017

5/5, 16 likes
  1. hi,

    looking for a timed command plugin to work on the game tome so i can change the weather to suit.

    tried timed execute and it dont work
  2. i'm missing that too.. TimedEvents had that, Squire :)
  3. require game time rather than realtime as real time doesnt match game time.

    Example: 0600 Game Time Weather fog and last for 1 hour game time.
  4. anyone?
  5. Just wait until I reply.. Im gonna add the ingame time when I go to my PC.
  6. Как это переделать в данном плагине?
    How to remake this plugin?
    "Events": {
    "Local": [
    "Repeat": [
    "1800:say Идет автоматическое сохранение игрового мира.",
    "Server": [
    "7:gather.rate dispenser * 2",
    "7:gather.rate pickup * 2",
    "7:gather.rate quarry * 3",
    "7:say Наступает день",
    "7:say Рейты добываемых ресурсов <color=#FFC040>x2</color>",
    "7:say Рейты поднимаемых ресурсов <color=#FFC040>x2</color>",
    "7:say Рейты ресурсов в карьере <color=#FFC040>x3</color>",
    "7:say Скорость переработки <color=#FFC040>x3</color>",
    "19:gather.rate dispenser * 3",
    "19:gather.rate pickup * 3",
    "19:gather.rate quarry * 3",
    "19:say Наступает ночь",
    "19:say Рейты добываемых ресурсов <color=#FFC040>x3</color>",
    "19:say Рейты поднимаемых ресурсов <color=#FFC040>x3</color>",
    "19:say Рейты ресурсов в карьере <color=#FFC040>x3</color>",
    "19:say Скорость переработки <color=#FFC040>x5</color>"
  7. So how do i set it so when it says SERVER "message" to my servername instead of SERVER? if this makes sense then thats awesome!


    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 26, 2016
  8. Need a screenshot of what you mean
  9. how can i ran the command Server.save every 5 minutes ? idk withch one that is the best one
  10. Code:
      "TimerRepeat": {
        "server.save": 300
  11. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Why not just change the save interval in Rust itself? server.saveinterval X
  12. Ow okay thats pretty good :) server.saveinterval SEC OR MINUTES ?
  13. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Seconds. Add it to your startup .bat/.sh or server.cfg.
  14. i put it in my rustadmin command

    is that okay aswell ?
  15. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    That will not save between restarts. You'd need to add it to one of the locations I mentioned previously. Any commands you enter in RCON or your console are not persistent.
  16. its just i want to save my server every 5 minutes becouse since last update my server is
    If i add it to my server.cfg (i just did) its gonna be edit derectly ?
  17. Put it the way I posted above
  18. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Your server is saved automatically every 300 seconds (5 minutes by default) I believe, but you can add it there to make sure. You do not need to run another save every 5 minutes when the game already has an automatic save built-in.
  19. Yes it worked fine now THX wulf and resistance!
  20. How far is your PC?