Timed Execute

Execute commands every (x) seconds.

Total Downloads: 3,212 - First Release: May 29, 2016 - Last Update: Jun 5, 2017

5/5, 16 likes
  1. Code:
    "InGameTime-Timer": {
        "16:00": "callch47",
        "18:00": "callheli",
        "20:00": "ad.massdrop",
    And then it literally executes the first command twice instead of doing what I told it to do.
    (13:58:36) | Helicopter Inbound!
    (13:58:36) | [Timed Execute] ran CMD: callch47
    (13:58:40) | Helicopter Inbound!
    (13:58:40) | [Timed Execute] ran CMD: callch47
    Was thinking that it gets confused on time or something, but why it does the same command twice then?

    Maybe there is an alternative to TimedExecute?
  2. Sorry for multi-posts... but the problem needs to be fixed.
    Right now I suspect that the plugin doesn't like the night timescale (which runs faster). Night time starts at 18:00, right? I changed the attack heli spawn from 18:00 to 17:59 and now it spawns every time (at least so far). Massdrop at 20:00 still is random.

    The night is kind of short for my server type anyway.
    Do env.daylength and env.nightlength commands still supposed to work? I see googling it they might be outdated. No reaction from my server from them.
    I would just set day/night both equal to 45 or whatever is the default.
    Typing timescale gave me time.timescale: 1...
  3. all commands the we use with timedexecute gets doubled in console
    (11:32:09) | Config Saved

    (11:32:09) | Config Saved

    (11:32:09) | [Timed Execute] ran CMD: writecfg

    (10:57:40) | server.radiation: "False"

    (10:57:40) | server.radiation: "False"

    (10:57:40) | [Timed Execute] ran CMD: server.radiation false

    since last updates from oxide or something ?
  4. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    It would be Oxide.
  5. So it is Oxide then? It does double sometimes for me too. And all commands that are at nigh timescale may or may not happen at all. In my non-expert opinion, it probably has something to do with the time thingy. I see seconds there are in 100 and not 60 when using "time" command. Maybe there is the confusion happening.
  6. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Commands aren't being ran twice, just output is being shown twice.
  7. I don't know about that. I set it to spawn one Chinook at 16:00 for nighttime PVP events. Sometimes it literally spawns two of them. And drops two boxes on the map. After 20:00 it is set to spawn airdrops. Those are so random. So I set more than one and hope at least one or two will be spawned. I think I have 3 airdrops set - and sometimes it even skips all 3.
  8. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    They aren’t, I promise you.
  9. So the airdrops then get spawned but don't show up in console?
  10. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Nothing has changed with command execution, only command logging.
  11. Ok, I hope it is the case. Will check.
  12. hello,
    i tring use TimedExecute but not working autorestart dayli .
      "EnableInGameTime-Timer": true,
      "EnableRealTime-Timer": true,
      "EnableTimerOnce": false,
      "EnableTimerRepeat": true,
      "InGameTime-Timer": {
        "14:00": "weather rain 1"
      "RealTime-Timer": {
        "03:00:00": "say <color=orange>Is restarting in</color> 1 hour!",
        "03:30:00": "say <color=orange>Is restarting in</color> 30 minutes!",
        "03:45:00": "say <color=orange>Is restarting in</color> 15 minutes!",
        "03:50:00": "say <color=orange>Is restarting in</color> 10 minutes!",
        "03:51:00": "say <color=orange>Is restarting in</color> 9 minutes!",
        "03:52:00": "say <color=orange>Is restarting in</color> 8 minutes!",
        "03:53:00": "say <color=orange>Is restarting in</color> 7 minutes!",
        "03:54:00": "say <color=orange>Is restarting in</color> 6 minutes!",
        "03:55:00": "say <color=orange>Is restarting in</color> 5 minutes!",
        "03:56:00": "say <color=orange>Is restarting in</color> 4 minutes!",
        "03:57:00": "say <color=orange>Is restarting in</color> 3 minutes!",
        "03:58:00": "say <color=orange>Is restarting in</color> 2 minutes!",  
        "03:59:00": "say <color=orange>Is restarting in</color> 1 minutes!",
        "03:59:55": "say Server will be back up shortly!",  
        "03:59:58": "server.save",
        "03:59:59": "restart 0",
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 25, 2018
  13. Post in the correct plugin topic for support I will tell you one error that I see remove the , from the end of the last line but always remember its always best to upload the config so it can be fully checked
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 25, 2018
  14. Why restart daily? I restart weekly on map wipes XD Is that a bad thing?
  15. upload config
  16. so i have to remove , from : "03:59:59": "restart 0", ?
  17. upload your config
  18. So is supposed to just randomly enter the commands? I set the timers and it just inputs the command when ever it wants to instead of the set time. Lol! Is this like an added feature I can adjust or something?
  19. Code:
      "RealTime-Timer": {
        "04:30:00": "adminmessage <color=#ff0000>SERVER:</color> <color=#ffffff>Restart in 30 minutes.</color>",
        "04:35:00": "adminmessage <color=#ff0000>SERVER:</color> <color=#ffffff>Restart in 25 minutes.</color>",
        "04:40:00": "adminmessage <color=#ff0000>SERVER:</color> <color=#ffffff>Restart in 20 minutes.</color>",
        "04:45:00": "adminmessage <color=#ff0000>SERVER:</color> <color=#ffffff>Restart in 15 minutes.</color>",
        "04:50:00": "adminmessage <color=#ff0000>SERVER:</color> <color=#ffffff>Restart in 10 minutes.</color>",
        "04:55:00": "adminmessage <color=#ff0000>SERVER:</color> <color=#ffffff>Restart in 5 minutes.</color>",
        "04:57:00": "adminmessage <color=#ff0000>SERVER:</color> <color=#ffffff>Restart in 3 minutes.</color>",
        "04:58:00": "adminmessage <color=#ff0000>SERVER:</color> <color=#ffffff>Restart in 2 minute.</color>",
        "04:59:00": "adminmessage <color=#ff0000>SERVER:</color> <color=#ffffff>Restart in 1 minute.</color>",
        "04:59:30": "adminmessage <color=#ff0000>SERVER:</color> <color=#ffffff>Restart in 30 seconds.</color>",
        "04:59:50": "adminmessage <color=#ff0000>SERVER:</color> <color=#ffffff>Restart in 10 seconds.</color>",
        "05:00:00": "quit"
    Im using LinuxGSM, i dont know how to do CronJob, pretty sure i should use that:
    0 05 * * * su - hwserver1 -c '/home/hwserver/boberworld1/your_script_name restart' > /dev/null 2>&1
    but where? There only guides about script to Rust, start example not helping me :/