1. How can I call chopper plz ?
  2. lol, I am looking for this too, I remember seeing a video where they had the console command to spawn it in, but cant find it
  3. Admin commands for the Attack Helicopter:
    • heli.call
    • heli.calltome
    • heli.strafe
    • heli.bulletAccuracy ( 2 default, higher is less accurate )
    • heli.bulletDamageScale (1 default, multiplier*)
  4. I tried the call and calltome, but they dont even come, ever after 10 minutes of waiting
  5. i havent tested any of those commands so i dont know if they work. i just copied then from rustafied :)
  6. They work for me.
  7. you do know it is console commands and not chat commands right?
  8. It called a heli in for me using heli.call
  9. yea, but for some reason, heli arent coming on my server
  10. type it in console ingame,
  11. heli.strafe worked
  12. Not working for me too.

    And have this error when i do heli.call (ingame)
  13. 1 got by default
    every heli.call spawn one more
    shitty loot droped if u kill him =\
  14. Rectification, working on console in-game
  15. is there a way to set
    • heli.bulletAccuracy ( 2 default, higher is less accurate ) on the server start?
  16. What's the difference between heli.call and heli.strafe?
  17. strafe make it just fly by i think. havent tested it tho ;)

    Attached Files:

  18. Shitty drops ? Because of BetterLoot ?
  19. I can't seem to get any of the commands to do anything :/
  20. heli.call works for me, we spawned a bunch last night testing them out. The big clan on my server got the first kill on server (was like the 4th we called, they kept running away). My team got the second kill (3 man team), it's pretty hardcore, that thing is brutal and merciless!

    Also do not believe the "only targets geared players" hype that is total bull. A group was fighting one and I went to just have a look at it.. had a salvaged axe, a hoodie, some syringes and that thing totally went for me as soon as I approached and killed me right there.