

Total Downloads: 3,062 - First Release: Jun 9, 2016 - Last Update: Jul 24, 2017

5/5, 7 likes
  1. "Error while compiling: SleeperAnimalProtection.cs(80,97): error CS0150: A constant value is expected"
  2. Is it normal that my server just shutsdown when i add this plugin?
  3. Nope :p
  4. Had to remove the plugin becaus the severs keeped shutingdown.
  5. Surely this small peace of code will be never able to shut down any Rust server ;)
  6. Fujikura updated Sleeper Animal Protection with a new update entry:


  7. So I added this plugin, but with Rust Admin running, I watched myself get killed by a boar while not logged on the server lol. Is there something else I need to do other than just drop the plugin onto the server? Thanks in advance!
  8. Yea i am still seeing sleepers die in there sleep to animals,
  9. Likewise... this plugin is not working as it's supposed to. Sleepers are dying on the server non stop while sleeping... config is correct. Just not working.
  10. (00:34:49) | Calling hook OnEntityTakeDamage resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: SleeperAnimalProtection - True (Boolean), TruePVE (False (Boolean))
    (00:34:52) | Calling hook OnEntityTakeDamage resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: SleeperAnimalProtection - True (Boolean), TruePVE (False (Boolean))
    (00:34:56) | Calling hook OnEntityTakeDamage resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: SleeperAnimalProtection - True (Boolean), TruePVE (False (Boolean))
  11. Thats not an issue, only a conflict-warning.
    you could exclude it from being listed with FilterExt
  12. (09:27:59) | Calling hook OnEntityTakeDamage resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: SleeperAnimalProtection - True (Boolean), TruePVE (False (Boolean))
  13. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Both plugins handle the same thing, so that's a potential conflict hence the warning.