

Total Downloads: 3,062 - First Release: Jun 9, 2016 - Last Update: Jul 24, 2017

5/5, 7 likes
  1. Try turn off your server (stop server) and then try to delete it
  2. I've tried, and it doesn't delete :/
  3. Hmmm and what server provider you have? Maybe there is problem on their side, for me I can delete plugins even when server is online and running, but maybe the problem is really on providers side - sometimes they do some actions to block deleting active things (to me sounds like bull*hit cause you pay server you can do what ever you like with it ;)

    But I can delete all the plugins except that, and it says its size is 0 so idk what to do now, thx for answering btw :D

    But I can delete all the plugins except that, and it says its size is 0 so idk what to do now, thx for answering btw :D
  5. On your side I would contact support and ask them to delete it, cause it just looks like there is just and info (cause 0 size) that there was just something like this or I dont know, just ask support of your provider ;) You pay, they need to server you ;)
  6. Ok thx a lot :D
  7. Requires a fix.
  8. rust update, bug report

    [07/15/2016 05:27:11] [Oxide] 05:26 [Error] Error while compiling SleeperAnimalProtection.cs(71,29): error CS1061: Type `BuildingBlock' does not contain a definition for `LookupPrefabName' and no extension method `LookupPrefabName' of type `BuildingBlock' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
  9. ^^ This.
  10. Here you go

    Attached Files:

  11. Thanks.

    To solve this problem?
    [07/15/2016 13:28:25] [Oxide] 1:27 PM [Error] Plugin filename is incorrect: SleeperAnimalProtection (1).cs (should be SleeperAnimalProtection.cs)
    [07/15/2016 13:28:25] [Oxide] 13:28 [Error] Timed out waiting for plugin to be compiled: SleeperAnimalProtection (1)
  12. Read the error, you have it named incorrectly. Name it SleeperAnimalProtection.cs
  13. Looks like the same issues as above.

    [Oxide] 21:34 [Error] SleeperAnimalProtection plugin failed to compile!
    [Oxide] 21:34 [Error] SleeperAnimalProtection.cs(71,29): error CS1061: Type `BuildingBlock' does not contain a definition for `LookupPrefabName' and no extension method `LookupPrefabName' of type `BuildingBlock' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
  14. Doesn't work. Sleepers still dying of animals.
  15. Hi,
    If you extend the Info section with ResourceId = 1959 then it's working fine together with the Updater plugin.
  16. Will do with next release, if there's one coming...
  17. please fix the resource ID
  18. Does only make sense with an update ;)
  19. Just a Note, plugin doesnt have ResourceID set
    "[Updater] Couldn't check for updates of following plugins as they have no ResourceID set: SleeperAnimalProtection"
    Updater ----> Updater | Oxide