1. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    It most likely isn't relevant anymore, as it was most likely a bug that was fixed. The thread was likely merged with another.
  2. Ok well I have tried to install Oxidemod onto my hurtworld server (debian) but when I try to run the compiler I get that " error while loading shared libraries: libmonoboehm-2.0.so.1: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64 " error. I was hoping that the solution was in that thread.

    Followup: Reinstalled everything, including dependencies and works now.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2016
  3. It is giving the following error in Putty:
    "Operation not permitted"
  4. Is it possible to send commands (e.g. "rcon quit 5") by shell script on linux server?
    P.S.: Sorry, if I posted it in wrong thread.
  5. @Wulf Hey Does last linux snapshot compatible with upcoming patch ? Also is there are way to understand oxide compatibility with hurtworld version ?

    Any news about update for new Hurtworld version
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2016
  6. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Compatibility is listed in the Update Notes on the download page for Oxide. The update will be available shortly, I was in town when it dropped.
  7. What if my server shuts down from time to time. The logs no errors.
  8. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    It's possible your host is forcefully closing it due to hitting a resource limit.
  9. Is there a script that reboots the server every 24 hours?
  10. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    You could use a cronjob in Linux, or the TimedExecute plugin.
  11. I'have got this;
    22:08 [Info] Loading Oxide Core v2.0.1914...
    22:08 [Info] Loading extensions...
    22:08 [Info] Loaded extension CSharp v1.0.1914 by Oxide Team
    22:08 [Info] Loaded extension JavaScript v1.0.1914 by Oxide Team
    22:08 [Info] Loaded extension Lua v1.0.1914 by Oxide Team
    22:08 [Info] Loaded extension MySql v1.0.1914 by Oxide Team
    22:08 [Info] Loaded extension Python v1.0.1914 by Oxide Team
    22:08 [Info] Loaded extension SQLite v1.0.1914 by Oxide Team
    22:08 [Info] Loaded extension Unity v1.0.1914 by Oxide Team
    22:08 [Info] Loaded extension Hurtworld v1.0.1914 by Oxide Team
    22:08 [Info] Using Covalence provider for game 'Hurtworld'
    22:08 [Info] Loading plugins...
    22:08 [Info] Loaded plugin Unity Core v1.0.0 by Oxide Team
    22:08 [Info] Loaded plugin Hurtworld Core v1.0.0 by Oxide Team
    22:08 [Error] Exception while starting compiler:  (Win32Exception: ApplicationName='/home/hwserver/serverfiles/CSharpCompiler.x86', CommandLine='/service /logPath:/home/hwserver/serverfiles/oxide/logs', CurrentDirectory='')
    22:08 [Debug]   at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start_noshell (System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo startInfo, System.Diagnostics.Process process) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start_common (System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo startInfo, System.Diagnostics.Process process) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Diagnostics.Process:Start ()
      at Oxide.Plugins.PluginCompiler.CheckCompiler () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    22:08 [Error] AdminTools plugin failed to compile!
    22:08 [Error] Compiler couldn't be started.
    22:08 [Error] BetterChat plugin failed to compile!
    22:08 [Error] Compiler couldn't be started.
    22:08 [Error] Fly plugin failed to compile!
    22:08 [Error] Compiler couldn't be started.
    22:08 [Error] Kits plugin failed to compile!
    22:08 [Error] Compiler couldn't be started.
    22:08 [Error] LootChests plugin failed to compile!
    22:08 [Error] Compiler couldn't be started.
    (On Debian)
  12. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    chmod +x CSharpCompiler.x86
  13. Okay, can someone please help me set up a server on linux? Already tried many things, even the gameserversmanager hurtworld script. No luck so far.
    I have a vps on digitalocean to test it, I am trying with Centos 7.2 but I can swith to ubuntu if its more easy.

    If not too much to ask, can someone guide me through?

    *I had problems with ports and the most far I got was getting the server to show on the server list, but not able to connect.
  14. Hey UltimateByte, I posted this before start the conversation with you but forgot to click post reply. Then I posted to see if someone could write a complete guide, from scratch. It could help the others.

    This thread is stickied and the first post is missing so much content...
  15. If it can help, see my thread and video about Rust, it's pretty much the same. ;)
    Setting up a Rust server with Linux and LGSM | Oxide
  16. Great. That script doesn't update the server.

    It is possible to host a server on linux without using that script?