1. So, I was told to use /say message to chat thru RCON, but I can't get it to work. Any tips?
  2. I'm getting Error 502 (Bad Gateway) this morning when trying to connect to RCON.io. Anyone else?
  3. rust admin keep closing for me and erroring up
  4. This is fixed. A hiccup when I changed the server IP.

    Rcon.io or Rust Admin?
    In the terminal use `say "This is my message"` Remember to use the quotes ("") or it will only take the first word.
  5. would be rustadmin
  6. just tested this for first time - well neat.;
  7. Your tool is awesome, but it's not open source, are you plan to release as open source. There are some feature which community could add. Or is project already on GitHub ?

    Which framework you are using ? React, angular, pure JS with jquery ?
  8. Can you add some anti cheat mode for Autoban players with VAC bans

    Rustadmin have it but the pc must still online for that :(
  9. Hey, I was wondering if you could possibly make a downloadable version so I wouldn't have to go on the web all the time.