

Total Downloads: 4,803 - First Release: Sep 9, 2016 - Last Update: Nov 10, 2017

5/5, 10 likes
  1. UP!
    - - -
    How to clear all playtime_data?
    Bc simple file delete, don't help me :(

    because /s (ServerRewards) show me 190 hours on the server, and /pinfo, PlayerRanking, show me 140,why?
  2. i like the /refer <playername> but can you add in to not allow them to do this unless in friends list /friends plugin? because every user can just /refer <playername> anyone.
  3. UP 2!
    - - -
    How to clear all playtime_data?
    Bc simple file delete, don't help me :(

    because /s (ServerRewards) show me 190 hours on the server, and /pinfo, PlayerRanking, show me 140,why?
  4. No need to keep posting this over others posts. yours will get noticed and if someone had the answer will anser it...
  5. srsly?
    first question 13 jan..
  6. Each plugin tracks playtime with playtimetracker it tracks afk time separately i think you can disable that option in the config.

    on another note
    s3r4,Jan 17, 2017 your post
    then my post
    then copy of your post again
  7. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Either shutdown the server and delete the datafile from oxide/data or unload the plugin and delete the datafile from oxide/data. Both will work, the plugin just can't be loaded at the time.
  8. would it be possible to have players get added to specific usergroups depending on how much time they played on the server?
  9. Players cant get reward point after new update
  10. Sry now all right
  11. Instead of having to type command for every single player to check their playtime, would it be possible to make it so you could see an overview of all it keep track of?
  12. Request: Could you please add an option to list out play times of all players on the server. E.g., like say playtime all or /playtime all.
  13. Hi!
    Why does SavePermission() Only get called in the ptt add command? Deleting permission would do nothing - it will get back after plugin reload.....
  14. Hi, error with the last version:
    | Error while compiling PlaytimeTracker.cs(480,4): error CS1525: Unexpected symbol `end-of-file', expecting `(', `:', `{', or `where'

    sorry, my mistake. Delete the config file. works fine. sorry.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 20, 2017
  15. @k1lly0u can be this added to the Plugin?

    I want to have a Top for the playtime, like the Loyalty plugin. As this plugin is taking the total playtime will be nice to see the top, without install a new plugin.
  16. Maybe a nice feature to add for the referral part of this plugin. People are kind of abusing this plugin by referring each other when joining the server. Can it be made so that if you refer someone, he can't refer you back?
  17. k1lly0u updated Playtime Tracker with a new update entry:


  18. thanks for the top !!

    Some users have this format:
    Unnamed - 127:34:25
    Can be possible to add the Steam ID for identify that users?

    And can be added a Reset for cleanup the times?
  19. Hi. I seem to have a bit of an issue.
    The rewards part is working fine. But for some reason the reward ticks after 60 seconds. The way i've configured, it should only occur every 5 minutes.

    Here is my config

      "Options": {
        "SaveTimer": 15,
        "TrackAFKTime": true
      "ReferralSystem": {
        "IssueRewardForReferral": true,
        "UseReferralSystem": true
      "RewardSystem": {
        "Enabled": true,
        "Points": {
          "Playtime_Points": 10,
          "Playtime_PointTimer": 300,
          "Referral_InvitePoints": 5,
          "Referral_JoinPoints": 3
        "RewardPlugins": {
          "Hurtworld": {
            "Economy": false
          "Rust": {
            "Economics": false,
            "ServerRewards": true
          "Universal": {
            "UEconomics": false
        "SendDepositMessage": true
  20. how can i remove some one from top 10 player ?