Solved Permissions / ranks

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by giuseppemauro99, Oct 25, 2014.

  1. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

  2. Well the tittle says all, i really want a permission plugin, if you can do it, that was awesome.
  3. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Oxide has a permissions system build in, plugins just have to use it.
  4. I mean group like in minecraft, rank Vip have some permissions, rank Donator have other permissions, if it´s possible do it this please help me.
  5. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Yes, you can make groups in Oxide through permissions, and add permissions from plugins that support it.
  6. Any plugin special for do this?
  7. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    No plugins are needed to make groups, but plugins need to have permissions for use with the Oxide permission system. You can see which plugins support it by looking at the plugin's Overview page to see if it lists any permissions.
  8. But how i can do groups and give permissions, can you please give me only 1 example
  9. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    You can grant a user permission by using:
    oxide.grant user <username> <permission>
    You can also create groups, add permissions to that groups and assign users to it so every user in that group has the permission of that group.

    To create a group:
    Code: add <groupname>
    to assign permission to a group:
    oxide.grant group <groupname> <permission>
    and to add users to a group:
    oxide.usergroup add <username> <groupname>
  10. OMG thanks so much
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 13, 2015
  11. Right now rust only has 3 levels of users. Owner, Admin, and Player..

    I was wondering, if its possible to make an addon, or maybe there is one already, that expands this. So I can give various levels of player ranks certian permissions....


    Admins obviously I want lots of power too..
    Donators I want to have perks, and be able to give special kits, or maybee get some resources or whatever every now and then, but I dont want them to have the power of an admin, and have more perks than a random joe schmo player...

    Anything similar to that, or am I not seeing something for this ? Thanks!
  12. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Oxide has a permission system build in, which there are a few plugins that already use it. To see if a plugin uses it, just check their Overview page.
  13. Ill check that out thanks!
  14. what r flags?
  15. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Flags is an old plugin unrelated to Oxide 2.
  16. Wulf when i do oxide.grant user "CaptainAntman2" and type a permission.. anything goes if i type "sfnsohughrg" it will say that permission was granted. I dont know what permissions i can give like spawning items, noclipping, godmode, kicking, banning, all that stuff, i know how to do plugin permissions because they tell me but i dont know the standard oxide 2 permissions and how to apply them (i currently have the authlevel plugin, to make oxide permissions work would i have to get rid of this or does oxide overried it?)
    sorry forgot to tag you, i didnt know if you would see the post or not ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  17. Oxide itself doesnt provide any permissions. All permissions you'd need are provided by plugins and should all be stated in their individual plugin overview.
  18. alright well this is my problem: im using authlevel and i gave my moderators authlevel 1, well authlevel 1 gives them spawning items, godmode, and noclipping.. how can i revoke it while keeping their ability to tp, kick, change time, ban, etc???
  19. ok i understand that ..but im asking like just assuming i have some of the most basic plugins make like a list of like 10-20 permissions i dont know what permissions there are. and thats the reason i cant do that like what is the "XXXXX" in thise > oxide.grant user "CaptainAntman2" "XXXXX" < for spawning items through F1 or godmode??