Magic Loot

Simple components multiplier & loot system

Total Downloads: 13,435 - First Release: Nov 13, 2016 - Last Update: Nov 2, 2017

5/5, 44 likes
  1. Thanks for the fast reply & for taking the time to look into it. I have no plugins that are messing with spawns of loot, animals or scientists. The spawning of all that stuff is default. I also don't have FancyDrop on my server.

    The issue happens when the server is booted with MagicLoot.cs & while the server is running. I've only seen like one crate spawn after the plugin has been running for more than 4 hours.
  2. Hey , No matter what i write in the loot is vanilla .. any help ?
  3. Please upload your config file (and data if applicable). I can help out more after I see it.
  4. I managed to get it to work ! thanks for the quick reply tho !
  5. I'm looking to increase the amount of rifle bodies spawning in elite and military crates. What would be the best way to go about doing this? Thanks!

    Also, I see that there are issues when fancy drop is loaded, what should I watch out for? Trying to get this all figured out.
  6. Hey ! i cant get the magicloot to work, doesnt matter what i put inside the json.. it still is vanilla loot? what am i doing wrong?
    "_Settings": {
        "DisableBlueprintDropMultiplier": true,
        "DisableBlueprintDrops": false,
        "ForceRefreshDisabledCratesOnLoad": false,
        "ItemListMultiplier": 10,
        "Multiplier": 10,
        "MultiplyOnlyItemList": false,
        "RandomWorkshopSkins": false,
        "ReportMissingConfigCrates": true
      "DeveloperDebug": {
        "_EnableLogs": false,
        "AmountChange": false,
        "ExtraItem": false,
        "LootRefresh": false,
        "Skins": false
      "Exclude": {
        "list": []
      "ExcludeFromMultiplication": {
        "list": []
      "ExtraLoot": {
        "Enabled": true,
        "ExtraItemsMax": 3,
        "ExtraItemsMin": 2,
        "ItemStackSizeMin": 1,
        "PreventDuplicates": true,
        "VanillaLootTablesOnly": false
      "ItemList": {
        "list": {            
          "gears": 10.0,
          "metalblade": 10.0,      
          "metalpipe": 10.0,    
          "propanetank": 10.0,
          "riflebody": 10.0,
          "roadsigns": 0.5,
          "rope": 10.0,
          "semibody": 10.0,
          "sewingkit": 0.4,
          "sheetmetal": 10.0,
          "smgbody": 10.0,
          "metalspring": 10.0,
          "tarp": 10.0,
          "techparts": 10.0,
          "antiradpills": 10.0,
          "wood": 10.0,
          "apple": 10.0,
          "chocholate": 10.0,
          "granolabar": 10.0,
          "can.beans": 10.0,
          "can.tuna": 10.0,
          "metal.fragments": 1.0,
          "lowgradefuel": 0.5,
          "largemedkit": 10.0,
          "syringe.medical": 10.0,
          "black.raspberries": 10.0,
          "blueberries": 10.0,
          "bandage": 10.0,
          "metal.refined": 1.0,
          "scrap": 10.0
          "crude.oil": 0.5
      "LootContainersEnabled": {
        "list": {
          "trash-pile-1": {
            "enabled": false,
            "minExtraItems": 0,
            "maxExtraItems": 0,
            "lootMultiplier": 1.0
          "stocking_small_deployed": {
            "enabled": false,
            "minExtraItems": 0,
            "maxExtraItems": 0,
            "lootMultiplier": 1.0
          "loot-barrel-2": {
            "enabled": true,
            "minExtraItems": 4,
            "maxExtraItems": 4,
            "lootMultiplier": 10.0
          "loot-barrel-1": {
            "enabled": true,
            "minExtraItems": 4,
            "maxExtraItems": 4,
            "lootMultiplier": 10.0
          "stocking_large_deployed": {
            "enabled": false,
            "minExtraItems": 0,
            "maxExtraItems": 0,
            "lootMultiplier": 1.0
          "giftbox_loot": {
            "enabled": false,
            "minExtraItems": 0,
            "maxExtraItems": 0,
            "lootMultiplier": 1.0
          "crate_tools": {
            "enabled": true,
            "minExtraItems": 2,
            "maxExtraItems": 2,
            "lootMultiplier": 10.0
          "loot_barrel_1": {
            "enabled": true,
            "minExtraItems": 0,
            "maxExtraItems": 0,
            "lootMultiplier": 1.0
          "oil_barrel": {
            "enabled": true,
            "minExtraItems": 0,
            "maxExtraItems": 0,
            "lootMultiplier": 10.0
          "foodbox": {
            "enabled": true,
            "minExtraItems": 2,
            "maxExtraItems": 2,
            "lootMultiplier": 10.0
          "crate_normal_2": {
            "enabled": true,
            "minExtraItems": 3,
            "maxExtraItems": 2,
            "lootMultiplier": 10.0
          "loot_barrel_2": {
            "enabled": true,
            "minExtraItems": 0,
            "maxExtraItems": 0,
            "lootMultiplier": 1.0
           "bradley_crate": {            
            "enabled": true,          
            "minExtraItems": 2,        
            "maxExtraItems": 1,        
            "lootMultiplier": 10.0
          "crate_elite": {              
            "enabled": true,          
            "minExtraItems": 2,        
            "maxExtraItems": 1,        
            "lootMultiplier": 10.0
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2018
  7. Replied to your PM, issue is missing a comma after scrap entry in ItemList. Be sure to validate json config files with online json validators.
  8. is there a way to make loot amount spawn randomly? like you can get 5 to 10 metal pipe from a crate?
  9. Go into oxide/data/MagicLoot.json file....change value of item amount that will spawn. Be sure to save, reload Magic Loot Plugin.
  10. sorry i may have worded the question wrongly. Im trying to make it so that the amount of loot spawns randomly, sometimes 5 metal pipes or sometimes 8 metal pipes.
  11. Sorry....have no clue about that.
  12. im confused. Im trying to get 2x components with everything else 3x:
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using Newtonsoft.Json;
    using Oxide.Core;
    using Rust;namespace Oxide.Plugins
        [Info("MagicLoot", "Norn / Kunazai", "0.1.24", ResourceId = 2212)]
        [Description("Basic loot multiplier.")]
        class MagicLoot : RustPlugin
            int VANILLA_MULTIPLIER = 3;
            int MAX_LOOT_CONTAINER_SLOTS = 18;
            bool INIT = false;
            bool LoadedDefaultConfig = false;
            Configuration Exclude = new Configuration();
            Configuration ExcludeFromMultiplication = new Configuration();
            MultiplierConfiguration Components = new MultiplierConfiguration();
            CrateEnabledConfiguration Crates = new CrateEnabledConfiguration();
            MLData LootData = new MLData();        class MLData
                public Dictionary<string, int> ExtraLootList = new Dictionary<string, int>();
                public MLData()
            public class CrateData
                public bool enabled;
                public int minExtraItems;
                public int maxExtraItems;
                public double lootMultiplier;
                public CrateData()
                    enabled = true;
                    minExtraItems = 0;
                    maxExtraItems = 0;
                    lootMultiplier = 3.0;
            public class MultiplierConfiguration
                public Dictionary<String, double> list;
                public MultiplierConfiguration() { list = new Dictionary<String, double>(); }
            public class CrateEnabledConfiguration
                public Dictionary<String, CrateData> list;
                public CrateEnabledConfiguration() { list = new Dictionary<String, CrateData>(); }
            public class Configuration
                public List<String> list;
                public Configuration() { list = new List<String>(); }
            }        void SaveMagicLootData() { Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.WriteObject(this.Title, LootData); }
            void LoadMagicLootData()
                int newitems = 0;
                LootData = Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.ReadObject<MLData>(this.Title);
                if (LootData.ExtraLootList.Count == 0) { Puts("Generating item list with limits..."); { foreach (var item in ItemManager.itemList) { LootData.ExtraLootList.Add(item.shortname, item.stackable); } SaveMagicLootData(); } }
                foreach (var item in ItemManager.itemList) { if (!LootData.ExtraLootList.ContainsKey(item.shortname)) { LootData.ExtraLootList.Add(item.shortname, item.stackable); newitems++; } }
                if (newitems != 0) { Puts("Added " + newitems.ToString() + " new items to /data/" + this.Title + ".json"); SaveMagicLootData(); }
                // RCon Logging
                Puts("Loaded " + LootData.ExtraLootList.Count + " item limits from /data/" + this.Title + ".json");
                Puts("Loaded " + Components.list.Count + " components from /config/" + this.Title + ".json");
            void OnServerInitialized()
                INIT = true; // Server has fully loaded.
                if (LoadedDefaultConfig)
                    foreach (ItemDefinition q in ItemManager.itemList.Where(p => p.category == ItemCategory.Component))
                        Components.list.Add(q.shortname, 1.0);
                    Components.list.Add("antiradpills", 3.0);
                    Components.list.Add("wood", 3.0);
                    Components.list.Add("apple", 3.0);
                    Components.list.Add("chocholate", 3.0);
                    Components.list.Add("granolabar", 3.0);
                    Components.list.Add("can.beans", 3.0);
                    Components.list.Add("can.tuna", 3.0);
                    Components.list.Add("metal.fragments", 3.0);
                    Components.list.Add("lowgradefuel", 2.0);
                    Components.list.Add("largemedkit", 3.0);
                    Components.list.Add("syringe.medical", 3.0);
                    Components.list.Add("black.raspberries", 3.0);
                    Components.list.Add("blueberries", 3.0);
                    Components.list.Add("bandage", 3.0);
                    Components.list.Add("metal.refined", 3.0);
                    Components.list.Add("scrap", 2.0);
                    Components.list Add("semibody", 2.0);
                                    Components.list Add("rope", 2.0);
                     Components.list Add("sewingkit", 2.0);
                    Components.list Add("sheetmetal" 2.0);
                    Components.list Add("metalpipe", 2.0);   
                    Components.list Add("metalblade", 2.0);
                    Components.list Add("smgbody", 2.0);
                    Components.list Add("metalspring" 2.0)
                    Components.list Add("tarp" 2.0);
                    Components.list Add("gears", 2.0)
                    Components.list Add("roadsigns", 2.0);
                    Components.list Add("propanetank", 2.0);
                    Config["ItemList"] = Components;
                    foreach (var container in UnityEngine.Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll<LootContainer>().Where(c => c.enabled).Cast<BaseEntity>().GroupBy(c => c.ShortPrefabName).OrderBy(c => c.Key))
                        Crates.list.Add(container.Key.ToString(), new CrateData());
                    Config["LootContainersEnabled"] = Crates;
                    LoadedDefaultConfig = false;               
                //if (Config["Loot", "RefreshMinutes"] == null) { Config["Loot", "RefreshMinutes"] = 25; SaveConfig(); }
                //if(Config["Settings", "RefreshMessage"] == null) { Config["Settings", "RefreshMessage"] = true;  SaveConfig(); }
                try { Exclude = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Configuration>(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Config["Exclude"]).ToString()); } catch { Puts("ERROR: Could not load Exclude list!"); }
                try { Components = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MultiplierConfiguration>(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Config["ItemList"]).ToString()); } catch { Puts("ERROR: Could not load Item list!"); }
                try { Crates = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<CrateEnabledConfiguration>(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Config["LootContainersEnabled"]).ToString()); } catch { Puts("ERROR: Could not load LootContainer list!"); }
                try { ExcludeFromMultiplication = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Configuration>(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Config["ExcludeFromMultiplication"]).ToString()); } catch { }
                // RCon Logging
                Puts("Loaded at x" + Config["_Settings", "Multiplier"].ToString() + " vanilla rate | components rate x" + Config["_Settings", "ItemListMultiplier"].ToString() + "  [Extra Loot: " + Config["ExtraLoot", "Enabled"].ToString() + " | X Only Components: " + Config["_Settings", "MultiplyOnlyItemList"].ToString() + "]");
            private readonly Dictionary<string, List<ulong>> skinsCache = new Dictionary<string, List<ulong>>();
            private List<ulong> GetSkins(ItemDefinition def)
                List<ulong> skins;
                if (skinsCache.TryGetValue(def.shortname, out skins)) return skins;
                skins = new List<ulong> { 0 };
                skins.AddRange(ItemSkinDirectory.ForItem(def).Select(skin => (ulong);
                skins.AddRange(Rust.Workshop.Approved.All.Where(skin => skin.Skinnable.ItemName == def.shortname).Select(skin => skin.WorkshopdId));
                skinsCache.Add(def.shortname, skins);
                return skins;
            //List<ItemDefinition> ItemList = new List<ItemDefinition>();
            Dictionary<Rarity, List<ItemDefinition>> RarityList = new Dictionary<Rarity, List<ItemDefinition>>();
            void GenerateRarityList()
                RarityList.Add(Rarity.Common, new List<ItemDefinition>(ItemManager.itemList.Where(z => z.rarity == Rarity.Common).Select(z => z)));
                Puts("Added " + RarityList[Rarity.Common].Count.ToString() + " items to Common list.");
                RarityList.Add(Rarity.Rare, new List<ItemDefinition>(ItemManager.itemList.Where(z => z.rarity == Rarity.Rare).Select(z => z)));
                Puts("Added " + RarityList[Rarity.Rare].Count.ToString() + " items to Rare list.");
                RarityList.Add(Rarity.Uncommon, new List<ItemDefinition>(ItemManager.itemList.Where(z => z.rarity == Rarity.Uncommon).Select(z => z)));
                Puts("Added " + RarityList[Rarity.Uncommon].Count.ToString() + " items to Uncommon list.");
                RarityList.Add(Rarity.VeryRare, new List<ItemDefinition>(ItemManager.itemList.Where(z => z.rarity == Rarity.VeryRare).Select(z => z)));
                Puts("Added " + RarityList[Rarity.VeryRare].Count.ToString() + " items to Very Rare list.");            int itemsremoved = 0;
                foreach(var ra in RarityList[Rarity.Common].ToList()) { int limit = 0; if (LootData.ExtraLootList.TryGetValue(ra.shortname, out limit)) { if (limit == 0) { RarityList[Rarity.Common].Remove(ra); itemsremoved++; } } }
                foreach(var ra in RarityList[Rarity.Rare].ToList()) { int limit = 0; if (LootData.ExtraLootList.TryGetValue(ra.shortname, out limit)) { if (limit == 0) { RarityList[Rarity.Rare].Remove(ra); itemsremoved++; } } }
                foreach (var ra in RarityList[Rarity.Uncommon].ToList()) { int limit = 0; if (LootData.ExtraLootList.TryGetValue(ra.shortname, out limit)) { if (limit == 0) { RarityList[Rarity.Uncommon].Remove(ra); itemsremoved++; } } }
                foreach (var ra in RarityList[Rarity.VeryRare].ToList()) { int limit = 0; if (LootData.ExtraLootList.TryGetValue(ra.shortname, out limit)) { if (limit == 0) { RarityList[Rarity.VeryRare].Remove(ra); itemsremoved++; } } }
                if(itemsremoved != 0) { Puts("Removed " + itemsremoved.ToString() + " items from loot table. [ LIMIT = 0 ]"); }        }
            protected override void LoadDefaultConfig()
                // -- [ RESET ] ---
                Puts("No configuration file found, generating...");
                // -- [ SETTINGS ] ---
                Config["_Settings", "Multiplier"] = VANILLA_MULTIPLIER;
                Config["_Settings", "ItemListMultiplier"] = VANILLA_MULTIPLIER;            Config["_Settings", "MultiplyOnlyItemList"] = false;
                Config["_Settings", "RandomWorkshopSkins"] = true;
                Config["_Settings", "ForceRefreshDisabledCratesOnLoad"] = false;
                Config["_Settings", "ReportMissingConfigCrates"] = true;
                Config["_Settings", "DisableBlueprintDropMultiplier"] = true;
                Config["_Settings", "DisableBlueprintDrops"] = false;            Config["ExtraLoot", "Enabled"] = false;
                Config["ExtraLoot", "VanillaLootTablesOnly"] = false;
                Config["ExtraLoot", "ExtraItemsMin"] = 1;
                Config["ExtraLoot", "ExtraItemsMax"] = 3;
                Config["ExtraLoot", "ItemStackSizeMin"] = 1;
                Config["ExtraLoot", "PreventDuplicates"] = false;
                            Config["DeveloperDebug", "_EnableLogs"] = false;
                Config["DeveloperDebug", "Skins"] = false;
                Config["DeveloperDebug", "AmountChange"] = false;
                Config["DeveloperDebug", "ExtraItem"] = false;
                Config["DeveloperDebug", "LootRefresh"] = false;            //Exclude.list.Add("supply.signal");
                Config["Exclude"] = Exclude;            ExcludeFromMultiplication.list.Add("crude.oil");
                Config["ExcludeFromMultiplication"] = ExcludeFromMultiplication;            if (INIT)
                    foreach (ItemDefinition q in ItemManager.itemList.Where(p => p.category == ItemCategory.Component))
                        Components.list.Add(q.shortname, 1.0);
                    Components.list.Add("antiradpills", 3.0);
                    Components.list.Add("wood", 3.0);
                    Components.list.Add("metal.fragments", 3.0);
                    Components.list.Add("lowgradefuel", 2.0);
                    Components.list.Add("largemedkit", 3.0);
                    Components.list.Add("syringe.medical", 3.0);
                    Components.list.Add("bandage", 3.0);
                    Components.list.Add("metal.refined", 3.0);
                    Components.list.Add("scrap", 2.0);
                    Components.list Add("semibody", 2.0);
                                    Components.list Add("rope", 2.0);
                     Components.list Add("sewingkit", 2.0);
                    Components.list Add("sheetmetal" 2.0);
                    Components.list Add("metalpipe", 2.0);   
                    Components.list Add("metalblade", 2.0);
                    Components.list Add("smgbody", 2.0);
                    Components.list Add("metalspring" 2.0)
                    Components.list Add("tarp" 2.0);
                    Components.list Add("gears", 2.0)
                    Components.list Add("roadsigns", 2.0);
                    Components.list Add("propanetank", 2.0);
                    LoadedDefaultConfig = true;
                Puts("Added " + Components.list.Count.ToString() + " components to configuration file.");
                Config["ItemList"] = Components;
                //foreach (var container in UnityEngine.Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll<LootContainer>().Where(c => c.isActiveAndEnabled).Cast<BaseEntity>().GroupBy(c => c.ShortPrefabName))
                if (INIT)
                    foreach (var container in UnityEngine.Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll<LootContainer>().Where(c => c.enabled).Cast<BaseEntity>().GroupBy(c => c.ShortPrefabName).OrderBy(c => c.Key))
                        Crates.list.Add(container.Key.ToString(), new CrateData());
                    LoadedDefaultConfig = true;
                //if (!Crates.list.ContainsKey("crate_elite")) Crates.list.Add("crate_elite", true);
                //if (!Crates.list.ContainsKey("bradley_crate")) Crates.list.Add("bradley_crate", false);
                //if (!Crates.list.ContainsKey("heli_crate")) Crates.list.Add("heli_crate", false);
                //if (!Crates.list.ContainsKey("supply_drop")) Crates.list.Add("supply_drop", false);
                Config["LootContainersEnabled"] = Crates;
            private void VerifyConfig()
                bool doSave = false;
                // -- [ SETTINGS ] ---
                if (Config["_Settings", "Multiplier"] == null) { Config["_Settings", "Multiplier"] = VANILLA_MULTIPLIER; doSave = true; }
                if (Config["_Settings", "ItemListMultiplier"] == null) { Config["_Settings", "ItemListMultiplier"] = VANILLA_MULTIPLIER; doSave = true; }
                if (Config["_Settings", "MultiplyOnlyItemList"] == null) { Config["_Settings", "MultiplyOnlyItemList"] = false; doSave = true; }
                if (Config["_Settings", "RandomWorkshopSkins"] == null) { Config["_Settings", "RandomWorkshopSkins"] = true; doSave = true; }
                if (Config["_Settings", "ForceRefreshDisabledCratesOnLoad"] == null) { Config["_Settings", "ForceRefreshDisabledCratesOnLoad"] = false; doSave = true; }
                if (Config["_Settings", "ReportMissingConfigCrates"] == null) { Config["_Settings", "ReportMissingConfigCrates"] = true; doSave = true; }
                if (Config["_Settings", "DisableBlueprintDropMultiplier"] == null) { Config["_Settings", "DisableBlueprintDropMultiplier"] = true; doSave = true; }
                if (Config["_Settings", "DisableBlueprintDrops"] == null) { Config["_Settings", "DisableBlueprintDrops"] = false; doSave = true; }            if (Config["ExtraLoot", "Enabled"] == null) { Config["ExtraLoot", "Enabled"] = false; doSave = true; }
                if (Config["ExtraLoot", "VanillaLootTablesOnly"] == null) { Config["ExtraLoot", "VanillaLootTablesOnly"] = true; doSave = true; }
                if (Config["ExtraLoot", "ExtraItemsMin"] == null) { Config["ExtraLoot", "ExtraItemsMin"] = 1; doSave = true; }
                if (Config["ExtraLoot", "ExtraItemsMax"] == null) { Config["ExtraLoot", "ExtraItemsMax"] = 3; doSave = true; }
                if (Config["ExtraLoot", "ItemStackSizeMin"] == null) { Config["ExtraLoot", "ItemStackSizeMin"] = 1; doSave = true; }
                if (Config["ExtraLoot", "PreventDuplicates"] == null) { Config["ExtraLoot", "PreventDuplicates"] = false; doSave = true; }            if (Config["DeveloperDebug", "_EnableLogs"] == null) { Config["DeveloperDebug", "_EnableLogs"] = false; doSave = true; }
                if (Config["DeveloperDebug", "Skins"] == null) { Config["DeveloperDebug", "Skins"] = false; doSave = true; }
                if (Config["DeveloperDebug", "AmountChange"] == null) { Config["DeveloperDebug", "AmountChange"] = false; doSave = true; }
                if (Config["DeveloperDebug", "ExtraItem"] == null) { Config["DeveloperDebug", "ExtraItem"] = false; doSave = true; }
                if (Config["DeveloperDebug", "LootRefresh"] == null) { Config["DeveloperDebug", "LootRefresh"] = false; doSave = true; }            if (Config["Exclude"] == null) { Config["Exclude"] = Exclude; doSave = true; }            if (Config["ExcludeFromMultiplication"] == null) { Config["ExcludeFromMultiplication"] = ExcludeFromMultiplication; doSave = true; }
                if (Config["ItemList"] == null) { Config["ItemList"] = Components; doSave = true; }
                if (Config["LootContainersEnabled"] == null) { Config["LootContainersEnabled"] = Crates; doSave = true; }
                if (doSave)
            private IEnumerable<int> CalculateStacks(int amount, ItemDefinition item)
                var results = Enumerable.Repeat(item.stackable, amount / item.stackable); if (amount % item.stackable > 0) { results = results.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(amount % item.stackable, 1)); }
                return results;
            private void RefreshLootContainers()
                int count = 0;
                foreach (var container in UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType<LootContainer>())
                    if (IsLootContainerEnabled(container))
                    else if (Convert.ToBoolean(Config["_Settings", "ForceRefreshDisabledCratesOnLoad"]))
                Puts("Repopulated " + count.ToString() + " loot containers.");
            private bool IsLootContainerEnabled(LootContainer container)
                CrateData data = null;
                if (!Crates.list.TryGetValue(container.ShortPrefabName.ToString(), out data) || data == null)
                    if (Convert.ToBoolean(Config["_Settings", "ReportMissingConfigCrates"]))
                        Puts("Auto added " + container.ShortPrefabName.ToString() + " to config.");
                    Crates.list.Add(container.ShortPrefabName.ToString(), new CrateData());
                    Config["LootContainersEnabled"] = Crates;
                    if (!enabled)
                        Puts("" + container.ShortPrefabName.ToString() + " is not enabled; MagicLoot skipped");
                return (data != null && data.enabled != null && data.enabled);
            private void SpawnExtraVanillaLoot(LootContainer container)
                CrateData data = null;
                int min = Convert.ToInt16(Config["ExtraLoot", "ExtraItemsMin"]);
                int max = Convert.ToInt16(Config["ExtraLoot", "ExtraItemsMax"]);
                if (Crates.list.TryGetValue(container.ShortPrefabName.ToString(), out data) && data != null)
                    min += data.minExtraItems;
                    max += data.maxExtraItems;
                int itemsToGive = UnityEngine.Random.Range(min, max);
                int tempCapacity = container.inventory.capacity;
                container.inventory.capacity = MAX_LOOT_CONTAINER_SLOTS;
                container.inventorySlots = MAX_LOOT_CONTAINER_SLOTS;
                //Puts("subspawn length: " + container.lootDefinition.subSpawn.Length + " " + container + " give: " + itemsToGive + "  min/max: " + Convert.ToInt16(Config["ExtraLoot", "ExtraItemsMin"]) + "/" + Convert.ToInt16(Config["ExtraLoot", "ExtraItemsMax"]));
                //Puts("itemsToGive: " + itemsToGive + "  min/max: " + min + "/" + max + " - " + container);
                SpawnItem(container, itemsToGive);
                int fcapacity = Math.Max(tempCapacity, container.inventory.itemList.Count());
                container.inventory.capacity = fcapacity;
                container.inventorySlots = fcapacity;
            private void SpawnItem(LootContainer container, int itemsToSpawn = 1)
                if (container.lootDefinition != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < itemsToSpawn; i++)
                if (container.SpawnType == LootContainer.spawnType.ROADSIDE || container.SpawnType == LootContainer.spawnType.TOWN)
                    foreach (Item item in container.inventory.itemList)
                        if (!item.hasCondition)
                        item.condition = UnityEngine.Random.Range(, *;
            void RepopulateContainer(LootContainer container)
                if (container != null)
                    if (Convert.ToBoolean(Config["ExtraLoot", "Enabled"]) && Convert.ToBoolean(Config["ExtraLoot", "VanillaLootTablesOnly"])) // Extra Loot Items
                    // Check for blueprint drops to remove
                    if (Convert.ToBoolean(Config["_Settings", "DisableBlueprintDrops"]))
                        int count = 0;
                        int itemsToReplace = 0;
                        bool foundBlueprint = true;
                        List<Item> ItemsToRemove = new List<Item>();
                        while (count < 3 && foundBlueprint)
                            for (int i = 0; i < itemsToReplace; i++)
                            // iterate through inventory to find blueprints and mark for removal.
                            foreach (Item lootitem in container.inventory.itemList) { if (lootitem.IsBlueprint()) { ItemsToRemove.Add(lootitem); continue; } }
                            if (ItemsToRemove.Count > 0)
                                itemsToReplace = ItemsToRemove.Count;
                                foreach (Item k in ItemsToRemove)
                                    //Puts("" + k + " was removed from " + container + " at " + container.GetEstimatedWorldPosition());
                                foundBlueprint = false;
            void ClearContainer(LootContainer container)
                while (container.inventory.itemList.Count > 0)
                    var item = container.inventory.itemList[0];
            void ModifyContainerContents(BaseNetworkable entity)
                var e = entity as LootContainer; if (e?.inventory?.itemList == null) return;
                List<Rarity> RaritiesUsed = new List<Rarity>();
                List<Item> ItemsToRemove = new List<Item>();
                foreach (Item lootitem in e.inventory.itemList)
                    if (Exclude.list.Contains( { ItemsToRemove.Add(lootitem); continue; }
                    if (lootitem.IsBlueprint() && Convert.ToBoolean(Config["_Settings", "DisableBlueprintDropMultiplier"])) { continue; }
                    if (ExcludeFromMultiplication.list.Contains( { continue; }
                    var skins = GetSkins(ItemManager.FindItemDefinition(;
                    if (skins.Count > 1 && Convert.ToBoolean(Config["_Settings", "RandomWorkshopSkins"])) // If workshop skins enabled, randomise skin
               = skins.GetRandom(); if (lootitem.GetHeldEntity() != null) { lootitem.GetHeldEntity().skinID =; }
                        // Debug msges
                        if (Convert.ToBoolean(Config["DeveloperDebug", "_EnableLogs"]) && Convert.ToBoolean(Config["DeveloperDebug", "Skins"]))
                        { string debugs = "[" + + "] Skin has been modified to: " +; Puts(debugs); PrintToChat(debugs); }
                    double multiplier = 1.0;
                    if (Components.list.TryGetValue(, out multiplier))
                        CrateData data = null;
                        Crates.list.TryGetValue(e.ShortPrefabName.ToString(), out data);
                        if (Convert.ToInt16(Config["_Settings", "ItemListMultiplier"]) != VANILLA_MULTIPLIER || multiplier != VANILLA_MULTIPLIER || (data != null && data.lootMultiplier != VANILLA_MULTIPLIER) )
                            if ( > 1) // Detect whether to change Amounts
                                // Debug msges
                                if (Convert.ToBoolean(Config["DeveloperDebug", "_EnableLogs"]) && Convert.ToBoolean(Config["DeveloperDebug", "AmountChange"]))
                                { string debugs = "[<color=green>" + e.GetInstanceID().ToString() + "</color> | " + e.ShortPrefabName + "] <color=yellow>" + + " : original amount: " + lootitem.amount.ToString() + "</color>"; Puts(debugs); PrintToChat(debugs); }
                                double crateMult = 1.0;
                                if (data != null) crateMult = data.lootMultiplier;                            int limit = 0;
                                int ac = (int) (lootitem.amount * Convert.ToUInt16(Config["_Settings", "ItemListMultiplier"]) * multiplier * crateMult);
                                if (LootData.ExtraLootList.TryGetValue(, out limit)) { lootitem.amount = Math.Min(ac, Math.Min(limit,; } else { break; }                            if (Convert.ToBoolean(Config["DeveloperDebug", "_EnableLogs"]) && Convert.ToBoolean(Config["DeveloperDebug", "AmountChange"]))
                                { string debugs = "[<color=green>" + e.GetInstanceID().ToString() + "</color> | " + e.ShortPrefabName + "] <color=white>" + + " : new amount: " + lootitem.amount.ToString() + "</color>"; Puts(debugs); PrintToChat(debugs); }
                        CrateData data = null;
                        Crates.list.TryGetValue(e.ShortPrefabName.ToString(), out data);
                        if (Convert.ToInt16(Config["_Settings", "Multiplier"]) != VANILLA_MULTIPLIER || (data != null && data.lootMultiplier != VANILLA_MULTIPLIER))
                            if ( > 1 && !Convert.ToBoolean(Config["_Settings", "MultiplyOnlyItemList"])) // Detect whether to change Amounts
                                // Debug msges
                                if (Convert.ToBoolean(Config["DeveloperDebug", "_EnableLogs"]) && Convert.ToBoolean(Config["DeveloperDebug", "AmountChange"]))
                                { string debugs = "[<color=green>" + e.GetInstanceID().ToString() + "</color> | " + e.ShortPrefabName + "] <color=yellow>" + + " : original amount: " + lootitem.amount.ToString() + "</color>"; Puts(debugs); PrintToChat(debugs); }                            double crateMult = 1.0;
                                if (data != null) crateMult = data.lootMultiplier;
                                int limit = 0;
                                int ac = (int) (lootitem.amount * Convert.ToUInt16(Config["_Settings", "Multiplier"]) * crateMult);
                                if (LootData.ExtraLootList.TryGetValue(, out limit)) { lootitem.amount = Math.Min(ac, Math.Min(limit,; } else { break; }                            // Debug msges
                                if (Convert.ToBoolean(Config["DeveloperDebug", "_EnableLogs"]) && Convert.ToBoolean(Config["DeveloperDebug", "AmountChange"]))
                                { string debugs = "[<color=green>" + e.GetInstanceID().ToString() + "</color> | " + e.ShortPrefabName + "] <color=white>" + + " : new amount: " + lootitem.amount.ToString() + "</color>"; Puts(debugs); PrintToChat(debugs); }
                    if ( != Rarity.None && !RaritiesUsed.Contains( { RaritiesUsed.Add(; }
                if (ItemsToRemove.Count > 0)
                    foreach (Item k in ItemsToRemove)
                if (Convert.ToBoolean(Config["ExtraLoot", "Enabled"]) && !Convert.ToBoolean(Config["ExtraLoot", "VanillaLootTablesOnly"])) // Extra Loot Items
                    if (RarityList.Count == 0) { GenerateRarityList(); }
                    //Puts("RarityList.Count: " + RarityList.Count + "  RaritiesUsed.Count - " + RaritiesUsed.Count + " " + e.GetEstimatedWorldPosition());
                    if (RaritiesUsed.Count >= 1 && RaritiesUsed != null)
                        Rarity rarity = RaritiesUsed.GetRandom();
                        ItemDefinition item;
                        CrateData data = null;
                        int min = Convert.ToInt16(Config["ExtraLoot", "ExtraItemsMin"]);
                        int max = Convert.ToInt16(Config["ExtraLoot", "ExtraItemsMax"]);
                        if (Crates.list.TryGetValue(e.ShortPrefabName.ToString(), out data) && data != null)
                            min += data.minExtraItems;
                            max += data.maxExtraItems;
                        int itemstogive = UnityEngine.Random.Range(min, max);
                        int tempCap = e.inventory.capacity;
                        e.inventory.capacity = MAX_LOOT_CONTAINER_SLOTS;
                        e.inventorySlots = MAX_LOOT_CONTAINER_SLOTS;
                        for (int i = 1; i <= itemstogive; i++)
                            item = RarityList[rarity].GetRandom();
                            if (e.inventory.FindItemsByItemID(item.itemid).Count >= 1 && item.stackable == 1 && Convert.ToBoolean(Config["ExtraLoot", "PreventDuplicates"]))
                            { break; }
                            if (item != null)
                                if (Exclude.list.Contains(item.shortname)) { break; }
                                int limit = 0; int amounttogive = 0;
                                if (LootData.ExtraLootList.TryGetValue(item.shortname, out limit) && item.stackable > 1) { amounttogive = UnityEngine.Random.Range(Convert.ToInt16(Config["ExtraLoot", "ItemStackSizeMin"]), Math.Min(limit, item.stackable)); } else { amounttogive = item.stackable; }
                                var skins = GetSkins(item);
                                if (skins.Count > 1 && Convert.ToBoolean(Config["_Settings", "RandomWorkshopSkins"]))
                                { Item skinned = ItemManager.CreateByItemID(item.itemid, amounttogive, skins.GetRandom()); skinned.MoveToContainer(e.inventory, -1, false); }
                                { e.inventory.AddItem(item, amounttogive); }
                                // Debug msges
                                if (Convert.ToBoolean(Config["DeveloperDebug", "_EnableLogs"]) && Convert.ToBoolean(Config["DeveloperDebug", "ExtraItem"]))
                                { string debugs = "[<color=green>" + e.GetInstanceID().ToString() + "</color> | " + e.ShortPrefabName + "] <color=white>Extra Item: " + item.displayName.english + " : amount: " + amounttogive.ToString() + "</color>"; Puts(debugs); PrintToChat(debugs); }
                        int fcapacity = Math.Max(tempCap, e.inventory.itemList.Count());
                        e.inventory.capacity = fcapacity;
                        e.inventorySlots = fcapacity;
            object OnLootSpawn(LootContainer container)
                if (INIT)
                    if (container?.inventory?.itemList == null) return null;
                    if (!IsLootContainerEnabled(container)) return null;
                    // Debug msg
                    if (Convert.ToBoolean(Config["DeveloperDebug", "_EnableLogs"]) && Convert.ToBoolean(Config["DeveloperDebug", "LootRefresh"]))
                                { string debugs = "Repopulated: " + container.ToString() + " : isLootable[" + container.isLootable + "]"; Puts(debugs); }
                    if (container.shouldRefreshContents && container.isLootable)
                        // Debug msg
                        if (Convert.ToBoolean(Config["DeveloperDebug", "_EnableLogs"]) && Convert.ToBoolean(Config["DeveloperDebug", "LootRefresh"]))
                                { string debugs = "Invoked refresh on " + container.ToString(); Puts(debugs); }
                        container.Invoke(new Action(container.SpawnLoot), UnityEngine.Random.Range(container.minSecondsBetweenRefresh, container.maxSecondsBetweenRefresh));
                    return container;
                return null;
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2018
  13. delete it. and download the plugin new, put this plugin MagicLoot.cs in your oxide/plugins path navigate back to oxide/config there u have a MagicLoot.json data and edit this. if u finished save it and reload plugin again with rcon command o.reload MagicLoot
  14. No json is appearing under oxide/config.
  15. i dont use this plugin, i try it on my test server and it creates the config file. i see this on first run in console:
    (13:22:59) | [Oxide] 13:22 [Info] MagicLoot was compiled successfully in 2082ms
    (13:22:59) | [Oxide] 13:22 [Info] [MagicLoot] No configuration file found, generating...
    (13:22:59) | [Oxide] 13:22 [Info] [MagicLoot] Added 0 components to configuration file.
    (13:23:00) | [Oxide] 13:22 [Info] [MagicLoot] Generating item list with limits...
    (13:23:00) | [Oxide] 13:22 [Info] [MagicLoot] Loaded 395 item limits from /data/MagicLoot.json
    (13:23:00) | [Oxide] 13:22 [Info] [MagicLoot] Loaded 34 components from /config/MagicLoot.json
    (13:23:00) | [Oxide] 13:22 [Info] [MagicLoot] Loaded at x1 vanilla rate | components rate x1  [Extra Loot: False | X Only Components: False]
    (13:23:00) | [Oxide] 13:22 [Info] [MagicLoot] Repopulated 1084 loot containers.
    (13:23:00) | [Oxide] 13:22 [Warning] Calling 'OnServerInitialized' on 'MagicLoot v0.1.24' took 485ms
    (13:23:00) | [Oxide] 13:22 [Info] Loaded plugin MagicLoot v0.1.24 by Norn / Kunazai
    here i load the default magicloot.json copy and past it in the oxide/config path

    Attached Files:

  16. Hi is my mgaic plugin is working but it doeent mutliper it as much as it should is it does want to make me get more then 20 when it should give me 200 or 2000 it blocked at 20 plz any help
  17. I changed some settings but no multiplier is working:
    "_Settings": {
        "DisableBlueprintDropMultiplier": true,
        "DisableBlueprintDrops": false,
        "ForceRefreshDisabledCratesOnLoad": false,
        "ItemListMultiplier": 3,
        "Multiplier": 3,
        "MultiplyOnlyItemList": false,
        "RandomWorkshopSkins": false,
        "ReportMissingConfigCrates": true
      "DeveloperDebug": {
        "_EnableLogs": false,
        "AmountChange": false,
        "ExtraItem": false,
        "LootRefresh": false,
        "Skins": false
      "Exclude": {
        "list": []
      "ExcludeFromMultiplication": {
        "list": []
      "ExtraLoot": {
        "Enabled": true,
        "ExtraItemsMax": 3,
        "ExtraItemsMin": 2,
        "ItemStackSizeMin": 1,
        "PreventDuplicates": true,
        "VanillaLootTablesOnly": false
      "ItemList": {
        "list": {           
          "gears": 2.0,
          "metalblade": 2.0,     
          "metalpipe": 2.0,   
          "propanetank": 2.0,
          "riflebody": 2.0,
          "roadsigns": 2.0,
          "rope": 2.0,
          "semibody": 2.0,
          "sewingkit": 2.0,
          "sheetmetal": 2.0,
          "smgbody": 2.0,
          "metalspring": 2.0,
          "tarp": 2.0,
          "lowgradefuel": 2.0,
          "largemedkit": 1.0,
          "scrap": 4.0,
          "crude.oil": 2.0,
      "LootContainersEnabled": {
        "list": {
          "trash-pile-1": {
            "enabled": false,
            "minExtraItems": 0,
            "maxExtraItems": 0,
            "lootMultiplier": 1.0
          "stocking_small_deployed": {
            "enabled": false,
            "minExtraItems": 0,
            "maxExtraItems": 0,
            "lootMultiplier": 1.0
          "loot-barrel-2": {
            "enabled": true,
            "minExtraItems": 4,
            "maxExtraItems": 4,
            "lootMultiplier": 2.0
          "loot-barrel-1": {
            "enabled": true,
            "minExtraItems": 4,
            "maxExtraItems": 4,
            "lootMultiplier": 2.0
          "stocking_large_deployed": {
            "enabled": false,
            "minExtraItems": 0,
            "maxExtraItems": 0,
            "lootMultiplier": 2.0
          "giftbox_loot": {
            "enabled": false,
            "minExtraItems": 0,
            "maxExtraItems": 0,
            "lootMultiplier": 2.0
          "crate_tools": {
            "enabled": true,
            "minExtraItems": 2,
            "maxExtraItems": 2,
            "lootMultiplier": 2.0
          "loot_barrel_1": {
            "enabled": true,
            "minExtraItems": 0,
            "maxExtraItems": 0,
            "lootMultiplier": 2.0
          "oil_barrel": {
            "enabled": true,
            "minExtraItems": 0,
            "maxExtraItems": 0,
            "lootMultiplier": 2.0
          "foodbox": {
            "enabled": true,
            "minExtraItems": 2,
            "maxExtraItems": 2,
            "lootMultiplier": 2.0
          "crate_normal_2": {
            "enabled": true,
            "minExtraItems": 3,
            "maxExtraItems": 2,
            "lootMultiplier": 2.0
          "loot_barrel_2": {
            "enabled": true,
            "minExtraItems": 0,
            "maxExtraItems": 0,
            "lootMultiplier": 2.0
           "bradley_crate": {           
            "enabled": true,         
            "minExtraItems": 2,       
            "maxExtraItems": 1,       
            "lootMultiplier": 2.0
          "crate_elite": {             
            "enabled": true,         
            "minExtraItems": 2,       
            "maxExtraItems": 1,       
            "lootMultiplier": 2.0
  18. This plugin is dead
  19. What PLUGIN of multiplying the farm is working?
  20. Any way we can use Magic Loot to make items more rare then others ?