Live Map [Abandoned]

Discussion in 'Plugin Support' started by Reneb, Jan 12, 2015.

  1. oh your server.worldsize is 6666? my mistake then it works fine :p
  2. yep. because of still not working?
  3. needs to be:
    worldsize = 1000;

    or you need to change the size of your map image to 6666x6666
  4. possible i guess :/
    but what does it do?
    because the link you gave me looks good.
  5. Do not quite understand what you mean.
    Again, Google translator failed (((
  6. Hey Reneb, do you no how many webrequests rust can do? I have deathmessages installed which pushes out to the sql database fine and displays on my site, but for some reason this isnt outputting players locations.
  7. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Webrequests are provided via Oxide, not Rust. There really is no limit, the requests are just processed through a queue. The time it takes the requests all depends on the site that the webrequests are hitting being speedy and available. Having piles of them could potentially affect server performance, but I doubt that is your case.

    Likely it is an issue with your setup, but this thread is not for Death Handler. ;)
  8. Cheers Wulf, sorry was meaning death handler works but this plugin doesnt. Was just refering to death handler as it works so was wonder if there was a limit on webrequests :D
  9. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Ahhh, well, I think this likely puts out a good deal more requests, but they should still go through unless there is an issue with the site you are pushing to.
  10. hmm... when I go to "index.php?key=xxxxxx", then a minute later browser tab begins to go crazy...
    2015-01-13 07-37-46 Rust - Map - Google Chrome.png
  11. So I need to make a mysql database? Have played around with it for a ffew hours and get get it to work at all
  12. Hosting the page on the same PC as the server. Ports forwarded correctly, site online:
    Unfortunately, can't see the icons from the players.

    Wold Size from the server is 8K, so my server_worldsize = 8000.
    Image Path OK, RCON Port OK, RCON Password OK, Key OK (seems like it) and the IP i'm using since it is running at the same machine.

    Besides your plugin and the website files, do I need to use the RustMap plugin?
  13. there are NO webrequests
    there are NO database
    what it does it query your server.
    if it doesnt work then you have to check your config file (config.php) to see if everything is set correctly.
    if you are SURE that you put the correct RCON PORT (not query port !!!), and RCON password:
    1) Launch Rusty or any other rcon tools to see your rcon console
    2) then try going to the admin page with index.php?key=XXXXX (XXXXX is the key that you set inside the config.php)
    3) you should see PlayerName or SteamID search bar (it means you are in the correct page).
    4) look inside your console to see if you have a huge spam with lots of players and positions.
    If you have the spam it means that you just need to wait couple secs and you will see all players showing on your webpage
    If you DONT have the spam then:
    - You didnt set your rcon-ip or rcon-port or rcon-password on your server so the plugin can't connect to it
    - You didnt set your config.php properly, check it again ...
    - You are NOT allowed to use sockets with your php. Just google it, i can't help you with that.
    For instance i know for a fact that this will NOT work with multiplay!
  14. Ahh thanks reneb. Makes sense now!
  15. Reneb updated Online Map & Live Players with a new update entry:

    updated website files

  16. So update all to root of the webite? And then place it on a page to view?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 13, 2015
  17. ???????????
  18. [Oxide] 6:46 AM [Error] Failed to load plugin 'players-loc.' (no source found)
    [Oxide] 6:46 AM [Error] rustcore: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    at Oxide.Rust.Plugins.RustCore.cmdLoad (.Arg arg) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.MonoMethod:InternalInvoke (object,object[],System.Exception&)
    at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    Unsupported encoding: 'utf8'
    getting weird error
  19. well that's because you didnt place the players-loc.lua inside oxide/plugin ...