
Total Downloads: 16,958 - First Release: Mar 15, 2015 - Last Update: Jul 30, 2018

5/5, 73 likes
  1. What version are you running? I fixed it last update.
  2. I have nothing to prove this issue is to be blamed on hunt, but on 2 occasions I've found my server froze. It could be a combination of other mods not playing well with hunt. Due to the freeze, there is nothing in my logs to review. I'm curious if anyone else has had similar experiences? I have avery long list of mods running, so it's very likely that something is conflicting with hunt.
  3. I have a test server that was running only the Hunt for a few days, and I had not experienced this. Although, I can take an extra look if you’d like. What’s your list of plugins?
  4. I'm going to try to do some testing myself, as my list is over 40 plugins. I'm confident it's something with the combination of them.
  5. Send me a PM containing the names of all of them, I can take a look through them.
    Are you using Quests by any chance?
  6. Heres the list. Note that Quests is one of them.

    AlphaLoot, AntiOfflineRaid, AutoGrades, BetterChat, Build, BuildingBlocker, BuildingGrades, CarCommander, Clans, DeathNotes, EasyVote, EnhancedHammer, EntityOwner, FancyDrop, FriendlyFire, Friends, Give, Godmode, HandyMan, HeliControl, HeliRefuel, HuntRPG, ImageLibrary, InfoPanel, Kits, LockOnRockets, MagazinBoost, MonumentRadiation, NoFuelRequirements, NTeleportation, OilCrate, OldSchoolQuarries, PilotEject, PlaneCrash, PlayerChallenges, PlaytimeTracker, PrivateMessages, Quests, RandomSpawns, RemoveAAA, RemoveDefaultRadiation, RemoverTool, Rewards, ServerRewards, SmoothRestart, Spawns, StackSizeController, TimedExecute, TimedPermissions, TimeOfDay, Tipster, Trade, TreasureBox, TsunHorse, TurretConfig and Vanish
  7. There is fix you have to apply to Quests. Otherwise it’ll throw errors.
    Please see the Quests forums to see.
    Currently out on a date, I’ll be back later.
  8. I hope everyone’s Valentine’s Day was amazing.
    I was hoping to get a little update out for you all today, but with school, relationships, and my birthday being in just 2 days, it’s going to have to be delayed a tad.
    I should be able to get it uploaded by next week, just gotta test for bugs and everything if the such. Also, on the topic of bugs, I am aware of the random NRE thrown when upgrading buildings, I’m still trying to find a cause as it happens at random and not only for a certain building item.
    Thanks, and I hope all of your days were amazing!
  9. XDefaultX updated Hunt RPG with a new update entry:


  10. OOOoft. First off... i LOVE this plugin. I am having difficulties however getting the Blinkarrow skill to function? I have the stats and skill learned but no matter how i set the toggles i do not, in fact, blink to my arrow......
    I enabled the skill in cfg file... and then did the hunt.reset in console.... still to no avail....
  11. I haven't gotten to the blink arrow, and I have never personally used it, yet.
    I'll take a better look at it when I have the chance.
  12. HGui is not working
  13. The command is /g. Try that.
    I changed the command last update so it can comply better with future updates I'm planning.
    (Switching everything to a UI)
  14. I'll work on moving it.
    Some servers are different with how they place their information boxes.
    I'll try to get it in a better spot. Until then do /h sh twice. (I believe)
  15. is there a way I can add XP boosters like 50% more or 100% more so on.
  16. Not yet.
    But you can modify the XP rate for different things.
    I can work on a new system of XP boosters if you’d like.
  17. How to close the "Currently adds ammo to magazines" function? Because I have a SkinShop.. Every time I change my weapon skin, the bullet will be superfluous, so I want to turn it off.
  18. It should only update to you.
    I’ll take a look when I’m home.
  19. Error spamming
    Exception while calling NextTick callback (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
      at Oxide.Plugins.HuntRPG+c__AnonStorey1.<>m__0 () [0x00000] in :0
      at Oxide.Core.OxideMod.OnFrame (Single delta) [0x00000] in :0 
    Edit 1: server restarts disable certain functions of the plugin such as AMMO in the guns players reported to me that some times they see minus ammo other times they see less then default amount.

    Edit 2: reloading the plugin "o.reload HuntRPG" temporary fixes the ammo thing till next restart.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 19, 2018