

Total Downloads: 24,015 - First Release: Oct 26, 2014 - Last Update: Nov 10, 2017

5/5, 39 likes
  1. Thank you, I was in mistaken when I checked yesterday with all the tabs opened (yes, I thought I was in friends thread instead friendlyfire lol , my bad sorry). I also checked you posted a fix there when I was getting ready the log issues while checking and lol, well it is fixed so far the compatibility with new oxide, so thank you so much :)
  2. Messages to a config file plz :) so i can translate them!!! thx !!!:)
  3. My players are saying that /friend its not working properly. they say that a lot of times it says player not found even when using ", and that the same players appears more then once on friend list! and that you can't remove it because it says that it was already removed.

    Can you check if this plugin is working with the last rust version ?
  4. Doing it on my server as well. Only way it works is if they use a steamid.
  5. any update on this ? my players are not able to set home in their friends house and they got on the friend list more than one of the same player add.
  6. I'll look into it
  7. Domestos updated Friends API with a new update entry:

    Bugfixes, improvements

  8. CHR


    Not sure if this is the same problem.

    I'm useing groups. And the groups can't add each other when they are in the same group like this.

    [Abc] Dick wants to add [Abc] Duck it says u can't add urself even if he wrote [Abc] Duck

    Ty domestos
  9. RotAG-Groups doesnt use this API so its a bug in its own plugin.
  10. CHR


    Nono I mean the [Abc] was made by groups. And for the sethome in teleport we need the nick. And then it seems friends api just reads [Abc] without nick so it says u can't add urself. Maybe it's because of the space between Tag and Nick?
    Know what I mean?
  11. That one is hard to debug for me because i dont have a populated server but the addFriend function doesnt compare names, it compares steamIDs to decide if someone wants to add himself.
    Can you try using only the actual name without the group prefix?
  12. CHR


    Mh without Prefix it dosnt work. But after ur last update it works like it should i had to write the [Abc] Nick

  13. Oh, thought you already were on latest version. Please always make sure you're on the latest version when reporting issues, thanks.
  14. Can you add the chat prefix and commands to the config file so i can change them ?
  15. getting player not found, we are using groups?
  16. What chat prefix do you mean?
    What command were you using? Are you on latest version?
  17. well its strange, some players can add friends but their friends cant add them. I get players with this problem quite a bit maybe once every half hour..
    [DOUBLEPOST=1426287464][/DOUBLEPOST]like /addfriend [AC] bif
  18. /addfriend is not a command in this plugin.
    I'll do some investigation tomorrow
  19. yeah what ever the command is.. but yeah they get the "player not found " bug allot...
  20. @@Domestos
    Can you work with @@dcode to make this more compatible with the clans plugin ? because its pretty hard to add friends when you are in a clan! you get a lot of "player not found" even when using quotes "". Also work with a integration to the friends you add through the map ?

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 4, 2015