

Total Downloads: 7,293 - First Release: Jul 23, 2015 - Last Update: Dec 8, 2017

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  1. Calytic

    Calytic Community Admin Community Mod

    I suggest expiring ownership and testing it. If that doesn't work, wipe ownership and test that. Last option is to follow the steps below
    1. Console: oxide.unload EntityOwner
    2. FTP: Delete "data/owners_list.json"
    3. FTP: Delete all "data/entityowner_*.json" files
    4. Console. oxide.load EntityOwner
    Feel free to fork this mod or use this code as reference for another mod. It is open-source and I encourage the community to develop offshoots or alternatives.
  2. So i've followed the step deleted all the data files and loaded the plugin, it's added my profile. When i load the plugin it says Loaded 1 Profile. But when I save their is no feedback at all? "server.save" it doesn't say profiles saved not even for me. what else could it possibly be?
  3. Calytic

    Calytic Community Admin Community Mod

    Profiles are only saved if they are dirty (have changed), otherwise they are skipped. This is done to reduce I/O overhead and prevent unnecessary saving. You have to actually place something in-game, therein adding something to your profile. I outlined this process in the first list of steps, copied here for reference..

    1. Console: server.save
    2. In-game: place an entity, like a foundation
    3. Console: server.save

    After doing that, you should see the following message in your console:

    EntityOwner: Saved 1 profiles
  4. I do that but i still get no result
  5. Calytic

    Calytic Community Admin Community Mod

    Type "version" into your console and post the output. Please.

  6. Oxide Version: 2.0.1333 Rust Protocol: 1312
  7. Calytic

    Calytic Community Admin Community Mod

    Calytic updated EntityOwner with a new update entry:


  8. Ran the command said no changes (0)
  9. Calytic

    Calytic Community Admin Community Mod

    What kind of entity or deployable are you attempting to place? I cannot replicate this on my side.
  10. Foundation, twig

    What could possibly be conflicting with it? I don't have building owners
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 31, 2015
  11. Calytic

    Calytic Community Admin Community Mod

    Try deleting your config and reloading the mod. Shouldn't be necessary but it may help. You might post your compiler log for today.

    I suspect their may be a problem with LoadProfile when it can't, for some unknown reason, load an individual ownership profile - but I dunno.
  12. i might setup a test server to see if something is conflicting with my current one.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1441013680][/DOUBLEPOST][SERVER] Console: EntityOwner.cs (384,30): warning CS0168: The variable 'e' is declared but never used
    EntityOwner.cs(460,29): warning CS0168: The variable 'exception' is declared but never used
    EntityOwner.cs(1717,27): warning CS0219: The variable 'playerID' is assigned but its value is never used

    Compiler notes for today ^
  13. Completely wiped server like reinstalled deleted everything, attempted to use entity owner as the first plugin. no changes were save this could be the case for other users too and it is just using the old data not storing new data? I've made sure oxide was up to date as well.
  14. I'm getting an issue where /owner returns no name and/or /prod2 returns unknown for buildings.

    I have BuildingOwners installed, is this an issue?
  15. is it after server reset?
  16. I have no idea. I'll setup a test house somewhere on my server before next restart and let you know.

    I just know that the owners of some houses are permanently lost.
  17. because it stores in memory and doesn't save for me
  18. Calytic

    Calytic Community Admin Community Mod

    Calytic updated EntityOwner with a new update entry:


    BuildingOwners is not known to conflict with EntityOwner. If a building does not show an owner, there are several possible causes that I know of:

    1. The player who built the structure has not logged in since the last time /expireowners was run
    2. The players profile is corrupt and cannot be loaded
    3. BasePlayer or Covalence player record was lost, due to server failure or deleted oxide data

    You may temporarily enable Debug mode in the configuration settings. If you see any errors when initializing the mod or running own/prod2 (with Debug is enabled), please post them here.
  19. would it be possible too have a second own all command just for individual things like if i force build a foundation for someone instead off server laggin out and doing own all on the whole base again i can just do /own name/steamid on that single thing
  20. I can now confirm that ownership is lost on server restart (server rcon command restart, not just a sudden restart). No exceptions, debug or error messages (even with debug mode on), ownership is just gone for some structures. I placed a test building down before I restarted. Cupboard ownership is still correctly identified.