

Total Downloads: 7,293 - First Release: Jul 23, 2015 - Last Update: Dec 8, 2017

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  1. ownership seems too be loosing for me as well after server restarts just tested it out built some stuff /owner would work fine after restart cant find owner and i did a save.all before restarting
  2. Calytic

    Calytic Community Admin Community Mod

    That could be due to one of two things.

    1) Saving doesn't work in any case, regardless of how the save is triggered
    2) OnServerShutdown is not properly hooked.

    Are you sure you are running the most recent version of Oxide? type "version" in console..
  3. The issue has persisted across multiple versions, but I am running Oxide version: 2.0.1358, Rust Protocol: 1316

    I just checked, I noticed that the size of all files in the owners data directory are 49 bytes, and they contain no actual save data:

    This explains the lack of ownership data, but not why this is occurring.

    I am going to wipe my ownership data completely and see if I get any errors when I save new ownership data.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1441998670][/DOUBLEPOST]Alright, so I wiped all ownership data and built a little hut. Ownership shows up fine, but owners.save outputs "[Entity Owner] No changes (0)." and still no data saved in any of the entityowner data files. No exceptions or debug output either, just nothing happens.

    After I restart, /owner shows a blank name. No ownership data in the files, no exceptions or debug output (except the normal [Entity Owner] Entity Owner: Loaded 2 profiles -- I had another player help me test), it just doesn't show any owner.
  4. same goes for me Oxide version: 2.0.1358, Rust Protocol: 1316 having same issues forgetting ownership
  5. Calytic

    Calytic Community Admin Community Mod

    Calytic updated EntityOwner with a new update entry:


  6. I deleted everything EntityOwner and BuildingOwners create (including the contents of data/owners/ and ownerslist.json) and restarted the server.

    Afterwards, I built a little box. Everytime I placed down a block, EntiyOwner output an exception (76561197977567451 is my steam ID):

    Aside from my steamID being addede to ownerlist.json, no data is being saved at all. After restarting the server (global.restart console command), no data is present aside from my steam ID in ownerlist.json.

    As the server reloaded and attempted to load the ownership data, the exception is output again:

    Can anyone besides me and Robo2929 try and reproduce this?
  7. still loosing ownership on server restarts not sure why
    [DOUBLEPOST=1442193649,1442107248][/DOUBLEPOST]i just did a test did full reinstall deleted all data files config etc reloaded plugin built some stuff /owner working perfect after reset all looses ownership
  8. I confirm that all ownership data is lost on server restarts, using latest version of everything!
  9. Calytic

    Calytic Community Admin Community Mod

    This error really perplexes me. Essentially an OwnerProfile is being instantiated without any constructor arguments by the JSON converter (LoadProfile). This should not be happening in any case and is a problem with ReadObject. Under no circumstance should LoadProfile attempt to instantiate a EntityProfile without any constructor arguments. There is no discernible reason why this is happening.

    I may in-fact be forced to totally rewrite this mod because ReadObject/WriteObject are unreliable. Interestingly enough, I had this same issue with BuildingOwners (where data would be wiped/not saved) and that served as the onus for developing this mod in the first place. This is clearly a deficiency of Newtonsoft JSONConvert or Oxide itself, I'm not sure which.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1442254420][/DOUBLEPOST]As far as losing ownership data, I have tested this a dozen times on my server and cannot reproduce the issue. I assume it is due to the issue I mentioned above with ReadObject/WriteObject being unreliable on high population servers.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1442254632][/DOUBLEPOST]@theconezone Tell me, is there a an ownership profile under your steamID (entityowner_76561197977567451.json). If so, please paste the contents of the file into this thread. Thanks..
  10. catytic hey.
    i was wondering if you could actually do the same profile plugin, but for general informations?
    so from external plugins we could add what we want as data.
    like join date, time connected, known names, etc
    Because your way is really the best way to save high amount of data with the minimum possible of lag ^^
  11. is anyone else having problems with ownership loosing on server restarts
  12. yeah its not working anymore just says Owner and nothing else
  13. Sorry, didn't get a thread update.

    There are no entity owner JSON files at all on my server. Before I deleted them, they contained only an empty JSON array.

    I'll keep playing around with it and get back to you. Maybe I can coax it into writing them again.
  14. Pls update to the lastest update rust :C
  15. yeah would be awesome if we could get this fixed so it doesn't loose player data on restart
  16. can we please get this plugin fixed so it actually saves and remembers players data on server restart its useless otherwise would really love to be able to use this
  17. I've just setup a dedicated server on my desktop and run a few tests. I think the issue is related to the useSubdirectory configuration option.

    Regardless of the value, ownership data is not output to json data files. When the option is true, /owner does not work. When the option is false, /owner DOES work, but no data is saved. BuildingOwner is saving all data as expected.

    The error messages still occur regardless, of the value (76561197977567451 is my steam ID):
    This happens anytime a block is placed by anyone and when someone connects.

    Below is the content of owners_list.json on running owners.save with "useSubdirectory" set to true:
    Below is the content of owners_list.json on running owners.save with "useSubdirectory" set to false:
    As I said, no ownership data is actually output in the data folder but owners_list.json is correctly updated. /owner no longer works after a restart with "useSubdirectory" is set to true.

    I think you will get the same result if you setup a fresh server. I suspect the plugin is expecting data to be present when it isn't, so when the JSON is created by Oxide using the JsonConstructor, it calls the default constructor which does not exist.

    I'll see if I can hack together a quick fix tomorrow.
  18. Calytic

    Calytic Community Admin Community Mod

    I appreciate your help attempting to debug this issue. I will go over this again using your notes.
  19. Calytic

    Calytic Community Admin Community Mod

    Calytic updated EntityOwner with a new update entry:


  20. nice work man data is now saving restarted server all good