1. So I have found most places that host websites have now only 1 main database even if you have 10,25,50 etc open on your site if you name 1 database rustserver and someone else tries on there new database it will now allow you to make it as there is already a rustserver database already named that.. Godaddy said they switched over there system 3 years ago to have only 1 named database each for everyone so no 2 databases can be the same name... So in the CS file do I just change everything named rustserver to my own database name ?

    Please excuse me if this makes no since I've been up all night trying to get this to work and playing rust and doing admin things and I'm going on 26 hrs sitting here like "what day is it?"
  2. Yes, you can do that. You would need to do that for future releases as well. You would also need to make sure to change 'rustserver' in the PHP IPN listener code and when you create the table/stored procedure.

    Run the create statements in a query window (like you're running a normal query), not in the function definition.
  3. Since you stated that this doesn't work with players that have [] or () in their names, can this be modified to use their 64bit steamID instead of the player name?
  4. Yes, that's very possible in future updates.

    What IDE are you using for MySQL? I'm guessing it's trying to process the "@" signs as a parameter instead of a string.

    If you use MySQL Workbench, it should work fine.
  5. So this does not work with the Clans plugin?
  6. MySQL workbench, same error.. I've tried using MySQL and and Navicat / HeidiSQL

    I'm all out of straws. Gyazo - 2433c7bf6be05de544427886f5a8bb8e.png I moused over the underlined "error" it says and it says missing semicolon but not sure what to do there. Halp.

    15:52:46 CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE rustserver.claim_donation(IN email_address VARCHAR(255)) BEGIN set email_address = REPLACE(email_address,'@@','@') Error Code: 1064. You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 3 0.016 sec
  7. Try this
    CREATE PROCEDURE `claim_donation`(IN email_address VARCHAR(255))
    BEGINset email_address = REPLACE(email_address,'@@','@');set @ID = (
    select    IBN.id
    from    rustserver.ibn_table as IBN
    where    IBN.iemail = email_address
            and IBN.claimed = 0
            and IBN.claim_date IS NULL
            and IBN.ipaymentstatus = "Completed"
    ORDER BY IBN.itransaction_date DESC
    LIMIT 1);UPDATE rustserver.ibn_table
    SET    claimed = 1, claim_date = NOW()
    WHERE id = @ID;select    IBN.item_name
    from    rustserver.ibn_table as IBN
    where    IBN.id = @ID;END$$
  8. Looks like this worked.. Fuck man I owe you one!
  9. LeoCurtss updated Donation Claim with a new update entry:


  10. phpMyAdmin

    Error: https://i.gyazo.com/aa9b3294aaf543b22e0b24ccf609c534.png
    CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE aurora_rustserver.claim_donation(IN email_address VARCHAR(255))
    BEGINset email_address = REPLACE(email_address,'@@','@');set @ID = (
    select    IBN.id
    from    aurora_rustserver.ibn_table as IBN
    where    IBN.iemail = email_address
            and IBN.claimed = 0
            and IBN.claim_date IS NULL
            and IBN.ipaymentstatus = "Completed"
    ORDER BY IBN.itransaction_date DESC
    LIMIT 1);UPDATE aurora_rustserver.ibn_table
    SET    claimed = 1, claim_date = NOW()
    WHERE id = @ID;select    IBN.item_name
    from    aurora_rustserver.ibn_table as IBN
    where    IBN.id = @ID;END
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 10, 2016
  11. There should be a "delimiter" box below the query. Replace ; or whatever is in that box with $$.
  12. Can you possibly show me an example? The one mikeroq said didnt work either.
  13. Screenshot:
    snaggy - paste images!

    If you still get an error, you probably aren't naming the database correctly (in the query).
  14. What username are you using to log into PHPMyAdmin? If it's not root, you have to update that in the query.

    CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost`
    CREATE DEFINER=`yourusername`@`localhost`
  15. OMG I Didn't even notice that LOL, Thank you for pointing that out. It worked.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1460250771][/DOUBLEPOST]Either im blind or it doesnt show this in the thread, but where do players go to donate? Do they type a command or?
    (I also had to edit the plugin itself so the IPNListener would work, its working now.)
    Also, what kind of transaction is this? In the IPN Simulator.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 10, 2016
  16. You use PayPal's tool to make a donate button (after login). There will be a field where you can specify the item name. After that, use the code provider, (or email URL) on your site.

    When using the IPN simulator, you can use the "Web Accept" transaction type. Use the item_name field to test your package.
  17. Thanks for this mate, just got it setup and working :)
    [DOUBLEPOST=1460692695,1460453177][/DOUBLEPOST]Hi @LeoCurtss looks like the latest update of Oxide may have broken the plugin

    From the update notes Re-worked database base types for SQLite and MySQL

    Error when loading plugin: DonationClaim.cs(26,27): Error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Connection' does not exist in the namespace 'Oxide.Ext.MySql'. Are you missing an assembly reference?

    Thanks :)