1. LeoCurtss submitted a new resource:

    Donation Claim - Players can claim rewards for PayPal donations (automatic system)

    Read more about this resource...
  2. LeoCurtss updated Donation Claim with a new update entry:


  3. Its amazing plugin !

    I have a question

    You can use other payment platform ?
    for example
  4. Unfortunately, no. This plugin was designed specifically for PayPal.
  5. Is it possible to hurt world?
  6. This plugin is not supported for Hurtworld.
  7. I meen can you make it also for hurtworld :)
  8. Leo nice work, why not create the list dynamically?
  9. I like this. I like you.
    Good job.

    Next course of action would be to not add a limit of 10 commands, eh? ;)
  10. I'm assuming you're talking about the configuration. I originally made this plugin for my server--didn't bother to set up iterative processing for the commands. It's my first Rust plugin so I got lazy :(

    That being said, the next update will allow for as many commands as you like.
  11. Np if you need a hand lemme know
  12. LeoCurtss updated Donation Claim with a new update entry:


  13. yop,

    I have a problem when I use IPN Simulator, it tells me "IPN was sent and the handshake was verified." that means his walk but no writing in ibn_table.

    I check the configuration DonationClaim.json / MYSQLCredential, everything seems ok.

    I'm stuck, if someone an idea ...

    Thank you in advance and good day to all;)
  14. Probs returned an 200 http response but errored on dB entry. Any apostrophes?
  15. Go through the troubleshooting tips listed on PayPal: IPN simulator - PayPal Developer

    Also try using a PHP info page to make sure PHP is configured correctly on your server.

    Using this page will let you know if OpenSSL and MySQLi are enabled.
  16. OK normally im good at this but not sure on this one and I have players wanting to donate just a simple how to would be nice and I'm with gameservers so in my FTP do I make a directory in the : /, :/server number, or /servernumber/ruste/server whats after the 2nd code what do I save the 1st code as and 2nd and 3rd .... I'm lost
  17. Do you have a website that you host? (Not your Rust server)
  18. Not as of yet so this requires a website?
  19. Yes, it requires a website.
  20. OK thankyou, I'll get one this weekend and then bug ya again :)