

Total Downloads: 3,087 - First Release: May 20, 2017 - Last Update: Jul 20, 2018

5/5, 24 likes
  1. add it into you plugins folder in oxide and then oxide.grant user yourname/steamid dangeroustreasures.use
  2. Admins don't need permission. Only players do. Ensure that you're installing to the oxide/plugins folder, and that the plugin loads without any errors by checking your server's console.
  3. Short answer: You can't.

    Long answer: The plugin uses unique Icon Name's when adding and removing markers in LustyMap since multiple events can be run at the same time. If I only used "Treasure" as the Icon Name then you could only see one marker at a time regardless of how many events were running.

    I'll be posting an update which fixes the icon not displaying on the Lusty map.
  4. nivex updated Dangerous Treasures with a new update entry:


  5. How do you get this to work with LustyMap? It currently just shows up as 'Image not found' with a grey square
  6. Use a website link for the IconFile setting. Or simply "special". If you want to use a custom icon from your server then it needs to be in the oxide/data/LustyMap/custom/ folder.

    The reason "special" works and "debris" doesn't is because I filtered "special" to use the proper file syntax for LustyMap since it is the default setting and isn't located in the custom folder. It's located in the icons folder.
  7. Suggestion, lootable Reward Points compatible with Server Rewards
  8. (16:55:39) | Loaded plugin Dangerous Treasures v0.1.16 by nivex

    (16:55:39) | [Dangerous Treasures] Creating a new configuration file

    (16:55:39) | Failed to initialize plugin 'DangerousTreasures v0.1.16' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
  9. iv'e done all said to do and this is what i get .
    (18:10:40) | Loaded plugin Dangerous Treasures v0.1.16 by nivex

    (18:10:40) | [Dangerous Treasures] Creating a new configuration file

    (18:10:40) | Failed to initialize plugin 'DangerousTreasures v0.1.16' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)

    (18:10:40) | No previous version to rollback plugin: DangerousTreasures
  10. @EL_WAPO I need the stack trace in your server logs.
  11. that was it
  12. 20:15 [Info] DangerousTreasures was compiled successfully in 1885ms
    20:15 [Info] Loaded plugin Dangerous Treasures v0.1.16 by nivex
    20:15 [Warning] [Dangerous Treasures] Creating a new configuration file
    20:15 [Error] Failed to initialize plugin 'DangerousTreasures v0.1.16' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
    20:15 [Stacktrace] at Oxide.Plugins.DangerousTreasures.LoadVariables () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Oxide.Plugins.DangerousTreasures.LoadDefaultConfig () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.LoadConfig () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.HandleAddedToManager (Oxide.Core.Plugins.PluginManager manager) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.HandleAddedToManager (Oxide.Core.Plugins.PluginManager manager) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.HandleAddedToManager (Oxide.Core.Plugins.PluginManager manager) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Oxide.Plugins.RustPlugin.HandleAddedToManager (Oxide.Core.Plugins.PluginManager manager) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Oxide.Core.Plugins.PluginManager.AddPlugin (Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin plugin) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Oxide.Core.OxideMod.PluginLoaded (Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin plugin) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    20:15 [Info] No previous version to rollback plugin: DangerousTreasures
  13. yup same here ^
  14. no icon event LustyMap

    Attached Files:

  15. @RuArt can you verify that the file special.png exists in oxide/data/LustyMap/icons/ folder?

    I've found the issue. Your version of LustyMap is not compatible with this plugin because it does not check the IconFile for the "file://" string. You will have to use a website link.

    I have a solution for this also.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2017
  16. nivex updated Dangerous Treasures with a new update entry:


  17. Just wondered if there was a way of excluding areas that have been blocked off with zone manager? Twice today a player has made the trek to chest and it has been in an event area and they cannot get into the zone.
    Thank you