--- layout: forums title: 'BetterChat | Page 201' breadcrumbs: - "Plugin Support": "/forums/plugin-support.31/" ---



Total Downloads: 26,200 - First Release: Apr 21, 2015 - Last Update: Jan 12, 2018

4.9898/5, 98 likes
  1. Vip tags dont work Clan tags dont work. all the priority is messed up. Old version is better if you already have a large stack of groups. Also multicolored tags in console show the long HTML vesion
  2. Add a command to hide your group, i mean hide the color and tag!
  3. Hey!

    Setting a coloured username doesn't actually change the username colour. Just keeps it default. The group tag colour works fine though. Any way I can get colours on the username too when set?
  4. Hey everyone. Can this be used on oxide 2.0? if not, is there a alternative plugin for oxide 2.0 that I can use? sorry for the noobishness haha. Thanks guys.
  5. My vip and clan tags work just fine on the newest version. Just updated last night
  6. If I use any version higher than 5.0.0; the config is ignored and players tags are gone. It just defaults everyone to "[Player]".

    How to move people from old version to new without taking hours?
  7. Thanks man!. So you just installed like normal and dind't have any problem?
  8. BetterChat 5 is using the universal format parser, which means you have to use that format, not the rust one.
    /chat group set <group> TitleHidden true
    Yes. Oxide 2 is the only currently supported version by any published plugin on here. If you mean 1.18 otherwise, its no longer supported for quite a while already.
    You have to open your old groups file with something like Notepad++ and replace following:

    HideIfNotHighestPriority => HiddenIfNotPrimary
    PlayerName => Username
    {Name} => {Username}
    Formatting => Format

    and then save the file in the new location: .../oxide/data/BetterChat.json
    As I (- not just me -) said a few times, there is not much I can do about it. There is one little thing I can do which I will propably include in the next version which propably wont end up doing way better either though. The best is to have a few titles as possible.
  9. I mean, a command for normal players to hide your own group? that makes sense ? like if u pay for a vip in a server and u dont want to show the vip tag! something like that
  10. where would we add the word filters in at?
    Delete i see the post now of someone else asking.
  11. could someone help as when i try adding someone to a group i created (owner) then try adding myself to it i get this message **Syntax: /chat user add <player|steamID> <groupName>** i use this command **chat user add Tickle The Pickle OWNER** i have also tried with **chat user add <Tickle The Pickle> <OWNER>**
  12. Why better chat Word filter don't work anything?
  13. Group names optimally should not contain spaces, otherwise you have to wrap it inbetween quotes.
  14. Laaaaaaser, why word filter don't woooork? ;(
  15. Beeeeecaaaaaauusee its currently not implemented in this version. It will also be handled by another plugin to keep the features of BetterChat at the basis.
  16. if I use BetterChat + ChatGuard, then my message:
    nickname: faggot
    nickname: ******
  17. Because ChatGuard is not working with BetterChat yet.
  18. then what plugin will work as WordFilter? -_-
    Im tired of people who used obscene words in chat
  19. As ChatGuard is my plugin it will soon be updated to support BetterChat
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2017