--- layout: forums title: 'BetterChat | Page 199' breadcrumbs: - "Plugin Support": "/forums/plugin-support.31/" ---



Total Downloads: 26,200 - First Release: Apr 21, 2015 - Last Update: Jan 12, 2018

4.9898/5, 98 likes
  1. There's no folder in data now, the files a free man in the Data folder.
  2. okei, but what with the /chat user add stuff? i cant get it right o_O i get Syntax: /chat user add <username|id> <group>

    can you type WHAT i need to type? just an example? from ingame chat? plz^^
  3. /chat user add Dream VIP - I would advise using a 64 ID instead though. (Case sensitive)
  4. ok, but now i get group owner does not exist! but when i do /chat group list, it says owner and mod! wth :S
  5. Case sensitive, like I said above :); Are you typing Owner instead of owner?
  6. yea i am, but i mader the group name "Owner" so i need a small "O" for that too? hm :eek:
  7. Yes, case sensitive means it'll consider 'o' and 'O' as two different values.
  8. i still get "Group owner does not exist" :S aaah damn :(

    Attached Files:

  9. /chat user add Raxxiorr Owner - Doesn't work?
  10. no, get the same msg! can that be since i used the group manager to make this? i am not so good with this plugin to make the group ingame with the colros and the "ranks" in game chat! i would if i could, i have tryed, but i failed...again :/ do you mind helping me then? to setup like in the file i posted? :(
  11. Try this instead:

    /chat group add owner
    /chat user add Raxxiorr owner

    Edit: I see the problem, did you paste in your old config?

    It may be possible that group manager is using the old method - Use this file, it should work.

    Attached Files:

  12. i got it now !;) and THANK you for the help ^^, have a nice day! :D
  13. You too; Just so you know, it was the group manager. It isn't up-to-date at the moment.
    • PlayerName is now Username
    • Formatting is now Format
    • IgnoreOtherGroups is now HiddenIfNotPrimary

    Alongside the order and position of certain functions.

    Two fantastic resources that can help individuals troubleshoot issues:

    Diff Checker
    JSONLint - The JSON Validator.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 13, 2017
  14. ahhaa i see! ;) anyways, thank so ^^
  15. So how do you make this work with clans now?
  16. If you're using Rust:IO clans, delete the old .cs and .config and then reinstall the plugin.
  17. Hey guys install this version if you want clan tags to appear in chat.

    To install just remove your current BetterChat plugin (AND ONLY THAT) keep your groups file as it will register it

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 13, 2017
  18. Thanks. Old version fixed it.,\
  19. Dream 5, Thank you for taking your time to help others in here.


    BetterChat Group Manager will shortly be updated for BetterChat 5.x.x
  20. No problem, I'm always happy to help!