--- layout: forums title: 'BetterChat | Page 202' breadcrumbs: - "Plugin Support": "/forums/plugin-support.31/" ---



Total Downloads: 26,200 - First Release: Apr 21, 2015 - Last Update: Jan 12, 2018

4.9898/5, 98 likes
  1. Drop everything and make that right now, pleeeeeaseeeee, Laaaaaaaseeeer :D
  2. how do i get colors m8?
  3. What about new betterchat and hurtworld? Lags on chat and freezes are gone?
  4. is there a way to hide the title and colour of a group for a specific player ?
  5. Currently not. You could trick though amd create a new group with a higher priority and set your groups you want to hide, HiddenIfNotPrimary to true. Then just add the players to that group.
  6. Can someone tell me how to change the colors of names for a group? im really stuck ;,;
  7. Open "server/"your server name"/oxide/data/BetterChat/Groups.json", there u have all groups with their titles, colours, étc
  8. File is no longer at that location
  9. i am really lost how to edit it the colors on players, admins and vips, i cant find it in the config file where to edit all of this
  10. you're right i forgot im using an older version. ty for pointing it out! xD
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2017
  11. BetterChat.json in your data folder
  12. thank you so much
  13. I have some groups atm: an Owner group, an admin group and the normal default group.
    I myself am in the owner group but everytime I relog it auto adds me to the admin group aswell even when I remove myself from it.
    I tried removing myself with my name and steamID but nothing worked yet

    Anything I could do ?
  14. everytime i log i have to re add myself to the group through the rcon
  15. It is because you have setted yourself as an owner through "ownerid steamid64". and your admin group is the default admin group, so it will force you in everytime.
  16. In the data folder BetterChat.json set
    "HiddenIfNotPrimary": true
    for each group
    also set the Priority
    Admin = 0
    and default is always the highest number so if you have say two groups admin and default then it will be 0 for admin and 1 for default
    if you have 3 groups then admin is 0 next group is 1 and default is 2
  17. Right so, with the update, I went and wiped out my clans and better chat plugin, configs and data files at the same time I do the usual teleport/homes/etc cleaning one does on a wipe.

    not sure if the attached is caused by Rust:IO Clans or better chat. But the Rust:IOClans is LaserHydra's updated version, and Better Chat is the newest version as of the time of this post.

    Cant seem to find this in either. but basically the color tags which appears to be the default #55aaff somehow shows up in the clan tag, but like split, or its something else....

    any known work around or fix?

    Attached Files:

  18. [​IMG]
    how to get rid of double messages in the console? (game hurtworld)
  19. You can't use #5af, you can only use the full color #55aaff
  20. @LaserHydra how to get rid of double messages in the console? (game hurtworld)