1. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    The permission system is Oxide handles controlling who can or cannot use commands and features that most plugins offer. Permissions allows server owners to give users unique abilities and benefits on their servers. Administering permissions is easy; simply enter the desired command and you're done! If your server does not have a console, you can use any compatible RCON tool or remote console to send the commands to the server. Most Oxide-supported games also support the permission commands in the chat, or will soon.

    For this guide, the permission oxide.reload will be used, which is used for the oxide.reload / reload command that Oxide itself provides. Keep in mind that permissions only exist if provided by a plugin or Oxide itself.

    By default, the groups that are created by Oxide are: admin and default. These can be changed by editing those under the oxide.config.json file. The admin group will automatically be assigned to players that are recognized as admin by the server. The "default" group will automatically be assigned to ALL players that connect to the server.

    Giving an individual player a permission

    Sometimes you just want a single player to have permission to a command or feature.
    oxide.grant user Wulf oxide.reload
    Removing a permission from an individual player

    Don't want that user to have the permission you granted anymore? Just revoke it!
    oxide.revoke user Wulf oxide.reload
    Giving an entire Oxide group a permission

    This is basically the same process only instead of granting a permission to a single user, you grant it to an entire group.
    oxide.grant group admin oxide.reload
    Removing a permission from a group

    Decided that you don't want a group to have a permission anymore? You can easily remove it by using the revoke command.
    oxide.revoke group admin oxide.reload
    Adding a user to an existing group

    oxide.usergroup add Wulf admin
    Removing a user from an existing group

    oxide.usergroup remove Wulf admin
    Adding a entirely new group

    oxide.group add vip
    oxide.group add vip VIP 0
    Removing an existing group

    oxide.group remove vip
    Setting the title or rank of a group

    oxide.group set vip "[VIP Member]"
    oxide.group set vip "[VIP Member]" 1
    Setting the parent group of another group

    oxide.group parent admin default
    Showing a user's permissions

    oxide.show user Wulf
    Showing a group's members and permissions

    oxide.show group admin
    Showing which user or group has a permission

    Sometimes you need a little help tracking down who has a permission, this command should help with that!
    oxide.show perm oxide.reload
    Showing all groups or permissions

    To show all of the permission groups, simple use the command below.
    oxide.show groups
    The show all of the registered permissions from plugins and Oxide, use the command below.
    oxide.show perms
    Using wildcards

    A wildcard is something that covers multiple things at once time. For permissions, this is the * symbol. You can use the wildcard (*) to grant multiple permissions at one time. This can be done with all permissions or per plugin based on prefix.
    oxide.grant group admin *
    oxide.grant user Wulf oxide.*

    The same commands are also available with the "o." prefix (ex. "o.grant").

    That's the basics to permissions for Oxide. Permissions give you a fantastic way to manage staff without worrying about them abusing powers from the game's admin functionality (such as flight, noclip, super speed, etc.) so they can still enjoy the game but also help monitor your server at the same time.
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2018