1. Greetings!

    This will be my first post here. I have found a plethora of great info here, but now I need a bit of help.

    So far from what i have gathered, spawning in "skinned" items seems to be a bit of a touchy subject here. But what i would like to do should be 100% completely legal and okay.

    A guy in my clan has made a hoodie skin (Steam Workshop :: CML Lion Hoodie) and I would like to set it up so that we can use this skin in our clan's private server. The server is a private whitelisted server and the skin is created and owned by the clan. I have searched high and low but it seems all info related to being able to spawn this custom skin in our server has been removed or hidden.

    If someone could even just point me in the right direction, i would greatly appreciate it.

    -CML- IMI4tth3w

    edit: not sure why my username is synced with my old clan/old steam name. disregard that.
  2. with Kits plugin you can add skinid to the hoodie from the workshop id if its Version 3, im sure its V.3.
  3. so i just change the skin id to the workshop id? i'll try that now. thanks!

    edit: that didn't work. would i need to restart the server? do i need to get it to download the skin from the workshop somehow?

    edit2: i got it working! i changed the skinid to the workshop id then reloaded the kits plugin. works like a charm! thanks!
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2017