1. I no longer run my dedicated server on my PC because I'm using WiFi and when my connection drops, the server would lag so I caved and bought a server online.

    I've installed Oxide a couple weeks ago in R1, and everything ran perfectly fine. However, since R2 has dropped none of my plugins have worked. I just noticed today an update for R2 has been released. I've extracted the files to my FTP server, and overwrote the previous files. I turn the server back on, and the plugins still don't work.

    Did I skip a step? Or do something wrong? Would love your guys' help!

    Thank you for your time!
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    The install steps are the same, just download, extract, and upload; nothing has changed with how plugins are loaded either. Make sure you are getting the correct build, and that you are installing Oxide after any RoK server updates because it is a mod. I'd also recommend checking your ROK_Data/output_log.txt for errors.
  3. I've got all my proper folders, and had Oxide installed on R1, I did the update with the proper R2 version of Oxide. But I type /oxide.version and nothing comes back..
  4. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Oxide isn't installed then if that doesn't work. Oxide commands will only work when Oxide is installed and loaded, so it's likely your Assembly-CSharp.dll is still vanilla/unmodded. I'd recommend doing a re-install. If you installed via FTP, it's possible you do not have full permissions, so not all files were uploaded.
  5. How does one do a re-install with Oxide?
  6. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Same way you do an install, but if your host doesn't allow full FTP for all file types, then you'd need to contact them for a full install.
  7. Done some troubleshooting, and have fixed the problem. When I went to upload the 'ROK_Data' folder it never copied over the new files into the sub-directories. So I had to copy the files from 'Managed' 'x86' and 'x64' manually. All plugins are working great now! Thanks a ton Wulf for your time!!