
This is a fully Customizable UI for Info and Buttons!

Total Downloads: 1,896 - First Release: Nov 23, 2016 - Last Update: May 13, 2017

5/5, 24 likes
  1. The issue isn't the bind. It's that it's supposed to open on connect and doesn't. That's what a bunch of us have been posting about :)
  2. JMJ


    Oh yeah, I have no workaround for that lol.
  3. is it maybe possible to, if you press on "hide info" that the mousemode is disabled and you can look arround and if you use /ui (or key) and if the info is still hidden it just reenables the mousemode, and maybe close the infoui if its open and you use /ui (or key) again it closes?

    that would make that great UI so much better to use in dangerous situations. :)
  4. Is that writing part of the image or is there a way to use a different font?
  5. Absolut updated UniversalUI with a new update entry:


  6. can we please have the option to choose if its centered or topleft corner. i tried to edit the plugin but if i change it, the bottoms change too.
  7. is it possible for me to change the color of the font of the text on the homepage of the UniversalUI?, thank you. i feel like this is either really easy or impossible depending on the framework of the code.. im rusty trying to get back into the groove.
  8. Hello I am getting a strange error, Posted Below.....

    Failed to call hook 'cmdUI_AddKit' on plugin 'UniversalUI v2.1.4' (KeyNotFoundEx
    ception: The given key was not present in the dictionary.)
    at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.UInt64,Oxide.Plugins.Univers
    alUI+screen].get_Item (UInt64 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Oxide.Plugins.UniversalUI.cmdUI_AddKit (.Arg arg) [0x00000] in <filename un
    at Oxide.Plugins.UniversalUI.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object
    & ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (HookMethod method, System.Object[]
    args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[]
    args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] arg
    s) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    [DOUBLEPOST=1496514600][/DOUBLEPOST]i fixed it, i deleted my old config kits file, reloaded kits, all new kits created appeared for me to add them, woot!
  9. it is not working actually. i still get these errors. cant add kits,.or remove. i think it has to do with universalui. i am not sure

  10. Any fix to the force open on join?
  11. I am trying to create a button that will return in chat the information requested from the timed permissions plugin. But I can't get it to do anything but return could not find $player.id.

    eg. "chat.say \pinfo $player.id"

    If i put my name it works but I need that variable not sure what I am doing wrong. That same string works fine for a call heli to player command.
  12. Hi, thank you for making this useful plugin!

    I have only one issue when I made the kit page.

    The cooldown did not show 5 seconds as I set.


    My bad.

    I was testing. It seems it only display in minutes and it worked.

    Attached Files:

  13. would you be able to share your config file please?
  14. Which one?
    1. \oxide\data\Kits.json
    2. \oxide\config\Kits.json
    3. \oxide\config\UniversalUI.json
  15. if you actually gave all of them to me id love you for ever
  16. Here!
    My server: (If you want to see the demo.)

    Attached Files:

  17. thank you, ill have a look at it once i manage to fix my server having massive problems with it
  18. ok i got 3 questions nr 1 im making a button to turn on and off the fps shower
    "12": {
    "adminOnly": false,
    "ButtonImage": null,
    "CloseUI": false,
    "command": "perf 2",
    "name": "FPS Show on",
    "permission": null
    "13": {
    "adminOnly": false,
    "ButtonImage": null,
    "CloseUI": false,
    "command": "perf 0",
    "name": "FPS Show off",
    "permission": null
    but when i press it and look in the f1 menu it says
    global.perf 1
    server tryed to run command "1", but we blocked it
    is there a way to make it not global.perf 1 but perf 1 ?
    nr 2 the f5 dos not work for me any way to fix it ?
    nr 3 is there a way to make it so when u press hide info the mouse goes away and u can move with the buttons in the side is still pressable ?
  19. Code:
    "adminOnly": false,
                  "CloseUI": false,
                  "command": null,
                  "name": null,
                  "order": 2,
                  "PageButtonImage": null,
                  "permission": zonemanager.zone
    The permission is made for permission UniversalUI.admin
    I can put my chosen permission?
  20. For the f5 who are not working anymore since the rust programmer blocked it, here is what i did to solve this little problem.

    When you're inside the game press f1 to go to the console and write this :

    bind f5 UI_OpenUniversalUI

    Come back to your game and you'll see that's working now !

    Bye all and thx for the coder of this plugin