1. Hello guys please help me, why this is happining when im trying to load mod to my local server?

  2. @pashok mlia, this is not something for on the oxide forums...
    Anyway, what mod are you trying to install?
  3. This one Steam Workshop :: [Onlyhurt] Airdrop mod, but its happens with all the mods i try to install just stuck at loading and time out
  4. Okey, are you trying to install it on a v2 server?
  5. No, to V1 hurtworld
  6. Can you start the server without loading mods? If yes, can you join it?
  7. Yes man its all working good, just when i add "loadmod <number>" to .bat or autoexec file, this happens...
  8. You should use Hurtworld dedicated server from Steam, because server created with SteamCMD don't load the mods.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 28, 2017
  9. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    They are one and the same; SteamCMD is just a way to download from Steam, just as the Steam client is. Same files.
  10. I also tried to run mods with server created with SteamCMD and got the same problem, but with dedicated server its all fine.
  11. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    They're the same files, so not sure how it was varied for you.