1. Hello, I am curious at the moment the rust update is out but not the oxide mod update how long does it usually take?
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    When it's ready. :p
  3. So not just me everyone is sitting refreshing the blog where its posted when its update ;) :p lol
  4. hang on - do we need to update Oxide every week once the rust update comes out ?
  5. Lol When there is a rust update usually yes you need to update oxide before plugins will correctly work 90% of the time.
  6. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Just taking a little longer today (not the actual Rust patch) to fix a couple build setup issues.
  7. kk no worries this is 1st time for me as never updated Rust server before.

    Is it update the server then re-install Oxide ?
  8. if you donot update oxide after a rust update(with new oxide version) you will end up with either a vanilla server or a server that will not boot
    [DOUBLEPOST=1508452842][/DOUBLEPOST]yes rust update then oxide
  9. You will be left with a vanilla server.
  10. lol kk - how do we know when oxide has updated though ?
  11. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

  12. Hi, sorry

    It's 00:45 at home and I work tomorrow

    I have daily reboot at 3am with automatic update with script

    Do you know if I go to sleep or update is coming ?

  13. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    It's almost ready, probably about 2 mins.
  14. Thank you very much
  15. kk thanks for feedback here - to u - its easy but to me this is the first time ive had to update server and oxide so next weeks update i will not have to ask these stupid questions again :)
  16. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

  17. Or, like me, with servers, that deny to start due to a MissingMethodException on some Network.SendInfo..ctor. #meh

    Thanks for the work Wulf! <3
  18. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    If you see that, it means you're using an old build.
  19. I suggest you get into batch coding a bit after you understood how updating works. You won't be doing anything anymore. Except for some troubleshooting (sometimes plugins deny proper function or updater-compatibility) or management which you had to do before, too. Perfect for lazy administrators. :D - Unless you work with Lunix, but that's equally easy, I guess (but you got somebody else to ask).