Rust Stash traps

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by isuelt, Dec 2, 2015.

  1. Okay here's the idea:

    Using a stash ( because you can bury it ) a player can set a type of trap:

    • player gets with [x] meters/feet of a stash and the trap whites/blacks the screen ( see FlashBang Grenade plugin - Flashbang Grenade for Rust Experimental | Oxide)
    • the plugin would set a circle of land mines around the players position
    • the white/black out effect would fade gradually over [x] seconds, but the land mines remain.
    Super cool add-ons to this plugin would be something like:
    • The ability to notify the trap owner by chat/popup msg and/or Push API plugin.
    • use bear traps, C4, wolves, bears as the trap component

    Willing to $$
  2. ummm i see it working as a detection that would set off the following, Sound from C4 asset, and script to damage the player for a certain configurable amount of health, if someone was to take the project up that would be the best way to approach it.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1449070847][/DOUBLEPOST]but also to turn the stash into a trap have a command that changes its state and withdraws certain items from your inventory as a cost for this feature to the player.
  3. I like this but I still want the whiteout/blackout effect, because the damage only affects the player coming too close to the trap but the whiteout/blackout effect could affect players around an [x] radius of the trap.

    I agree the trap needs a cost and a way to toggle using the stash as a trap.
  4. So once he steps on it he gets unconscious and once he wakes up he sees around him some land mines xD?
  5. it's not instant death, there's still a way out. But him and people around him are in some danger. If one land mine goes off it will set off the others. :)