1. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    This thread is pretty outdated... If you want something via the server, use a plugin. If you can to call via F1, use heli.call (I think).
  2. Oh ok. I do use plugin called CoptorTracker and I use that command, but still the same issue
  3. since no one answered heli.call calls the heli but heli.strafe makes the heli shoot rockets at a player or at a position
  4. I recently wrote an updated and detailed article around this very topic, explaining all the methods of calling the helicopter, who can call them, what they do, how to use them, and other hints and tips in this area. Check it out below.

    RUST Helicopter Command

  5. Thats correct...
  6. spawn patrolhelicopter
    spawn ch47.entity