1. Hey,
    I'm looking to get a plugin made that would allow players to sethome on a bed. Current plugins such as MagicTeleporation allow this but restrict the number of beds placed if the player reaches the maximum amount of homes.
    I'd like to get a plugin that would allow players to set a home on a single bed but also place other beds that would work like they do in vanilla. Once the bed that they sethome on is destroyed then the home would also be destroyed.

    Simple commands would be things such as /sethome and /home (like they are in NTeleportation). I do not require /tpr, only the sethome function.

    I'd also need a countdown timer after they /home, and also a cooldown between /home usage. I would also need the ability to cancel a teleport if the player gets hurt.

  2. I should have stated that I'd pay. I forgot to mention that.
  3. Done
    Mark as solved please :)