Solved Set building levels

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Loup-des-Neiges, Nov 12, 2014.

  1. hi,

    Do you think it is possible to make a plugin to change the "lvl" of a building? For example, I look, or positioned on a foundation, write "/buildup 600" and fully pass construction lvl6.
  2. This is most likely possible but I'm not sure if this will still be something that will still be in the game once FPS updates the servers as they are currently doing a massive overhaul on the construction system. We'll have to see for now how exactly this system is changing but if something like this will still be able to be useful I'm sure this will be made into a plugin or added to an existing plugin.
  3. i said dibs on /buildup XD dont take that command from my build plugin XD haha
    you may use later on /bldup when i will be able to use /buildup :p
  4. I was actually thinking if this would be useful after the update you could add it to your plugin xD
  5. =p sure. shouldn't be hard at all XD
  6. Just wait until the new update hits with the construction changes
  7. plugin ready for tomorrow :p (used the new ways)
  8. Finally , no update Friday :)