1. CHR


    What are they exactly doing? Fakeing Players?
  2. They have multiple fake listings in the list redirecting to their real server.
  3. Fake servers (mirrors) with fake online in the top...
  4. CHR


    Okay this sucks. But I'm at least #1 when u type location DE or EU in the playrust.io and my global ranking on gt is 14. But yeah they get more players if they are shown that much. And the next problem is that they spam the list and we don't get even shown. This sucks.
  5. I hope that you will reply in this topic on facepunch
  6. CHR


    Same... facepunch ignores Posts that aren pushed heavy... whats sad as fuck... maybe Wulf will also do it... hes the man :p
  7. Yep, maybe he can do something..
  8. CHR


    At least they could help their community at the Facepunchforums... that would be good cuz i got ignored there also with the net.sv.cycle. Or the ai.handler or what the fuck Errors all appear. If the People would join instead takeing like it is they would Change something or at least they would start to Fixing stuff instead to implement a freaking guitar or a horse.