Solved Restrict drops

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Deus_Z, Apr 5, 2015.

  1. Hello!
    Just want to apologize for my english :)
    I need help to limit the amount of loot. Now I use but I can not understand. Under the first part of the code of the spoiler LootConfig.json. After changing the entire config so I did loot.reload in the console. What am i doing wrong? Maybe there is another solution?
    "category": [
    "category": [
    "blueprints": [
    "amount": 0.0,
    "item": "explosive.timed"
    "items": [],
    "weight": 0.0
    "weight": 0.0
    }, Мне нужна помощь в ограничении количества лута. Сейчас я использую lootconfig, но немогу разобраться. Под первым спойлером часть кода из LootConfig.json. После изменения всего конфига таким образом я сделал loot.reload в консоли. Что я делаю не так? Может есть другое решение?
    Thx :)
  2. You need to hook when entity is being filled with items and remove item if it match your forbiden list.
    Check betterLoot plugin for code snippets.
  3. thx for your reply :)
    I will try and write later
  4. If you want to modify and restrict certain items from dropping you could just as well use the BetterLoot plugin as it allows you to change the chance that certain items drop, the amount it drops, which items can't drop, etc...
    The plugin can be found here: