1. The Title may not be great. Anyways. What I mean is, that people on Oxide can Send Developers on their plugin pages, a request for a specific update. Like:
    Plugin Update Request:Wished Features:
    <Textbox>[Send Request]
    and a possibillity to just send in plugin updates other developers have made, which can be updated - or denied -by the original developer with one click
    For the sender maybe like:

    Propose Plugin Update:<UpdateDialog> (The one you see when updating your own plugin )[Propose Update]
    and for the original developer for example like:

    Proposed Update by @Wulf:<UpdateDialog> (sent-in details changeable)[Accept/Update] [Deny]
    Im not sure if they are possible in XenForo, but I would find such features useful.
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    I had thought about a similar idea recently, an addon would need to be made for it though. My idea was basically to have a download for the latest community-proposed updates, likely approved via likes and moderation.
  3. yea, that idea is nice. But I'd like to be able to Accept/Deny such community-updates.
    Not only if the dev is not available for some time, also just maybe for developers to send in their update ideas, or fixes eventhough the dev is available.

    But well, maybe as I said also a list of "wanted" updates.
    Well idk, maybe in a list accessable from the plugin, which can be voted up by users, or directly sent to the developer such as a PM.
  4. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Right, my idea was more if the original author disappeared for a long period. ;)
  5. @Wulf - edited my post
  6. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Your edits would work if we implemented some sort of Git PR / diff setup, but I don't see that happening anytime soon.
  7. umm yea, just like a dream of a future feature. Anyways even if it won't happen in near future I'd love to see it happening ^^