1. Does anyone have any idea of a good way to replicate the effect with the blue outline and stuff server side? Right now i just have some weird awkward way of placing an object

    The first 30 seconds is how i have my placing system setup.
  2. check in the planner client code

    public void BecomeValid() //can place in building privilege // transparent blue
                MaterialReplacement.ReplaceRecursive(this.guideObject, FileSystem.Load<Material>("Assets/Content/materials/guide_good.mat", true));
    not sure if it works serverside, but worth a try if you didn't already ;)
  3. Oh my god i really hope this works. I need to redownload just decompile :p
  4. doesn't look like that sort of information is networked though.. hope i missed it
  5. I don't think it is sadly :/
  6. how about a sort of tripwire using the red-dot attachment laser next? ;)
  7. If you plan on selling this I'd be quite interested. I've had a version of security cameras in the past which were pretty dope but yours has a few features that +1's them
  8. That sounds easy
    I do plan on that yes when i finish it though this is not a standalone plugin though its all around base security. As of right now it is only a camera and text message alerts if you get raided, but it will be much more when finished.
  9. Definitely look forward to this! Let me know if you need a test subject too! I helped out one dev recently with the Rocket Turret plugin and even made a video for him
  10. Definitely interested too. Would love to get a notice aswell for that if its done.
  11. Great idea. Interested