1. Hello,
    How i can remove the storms?
    I look for other servers, and sandsstorm occurs very rarely, on my server sandstorms occurs offten,
    every few minutes.
  2. Maybe you could use this plugin,
    Vote for Hurtworld | Oxide
    It's a vote plugin, you can vote weather clear and it will remove the rain and sandstorm
  3. What is a command for vote weather clear?
  4. It''s /vote weather clear
  5. I believe the weather patterns are set on some sort of long-cycle that requires a short day/night cycle and/or long restart cycles to go through as designed. Every time your server restarts it will reset to day 0 of the weather cycle, and the early "days" seem to be quite stormy. Seeing as I refuse to have a short day/night cycle, and I find it necessary to restart every 12 hours..... my players just deal with the extra challenge.