1. Is there a way to have an unlocked door with code lock that no player can change the code and take the lock or lock it?

    Trying to build a spawn point with some doors that are locked and others unlocked all with code locks
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 10, 2017
  2. The hook "CanPickupLock" was implemented for such reasons.
  3. possible that this only happens in a zone? sorry, I'm new to modding
  4. Code:
    // Variable for our permission
        private const string perm = "pluginname.able";        // This hook is called when the plugin is initialised
        private void Init()
            // Registering the permission stored in our previously declared variable
            // The 'this' key word is the plugins instance, in simple terms: so oxide can assign the permission to your plugin
            permission.RegisterPermission(perm, this);
        }        // This hook is called when a player attempts to use a locked entity
        // aka locked door, locked box, locked toolcupboard
        // the return type is object so we can return a value (to override default behavior)
        // in oxide hooks, returning a value usually always overrides default behavior, but it depends on the hook you're using. http://docs.oxidemod.org/rust/
        // in this case we want to override default behavior so a player can use a locked entity, so we return 'true'
        private object CanUseLockedEntity(BasePlayer player, BaseLock baseLock)
            // checks if the player has the permission previously declared and registered
            // also checks if the player is an administrator
            if (!permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, perm) && !player.IsAdmin)
                // we return null here so the player hears the typical codelock deny sound etc
                return null;            // we return true here so the player can use the locked entity, if we was to return false
            // they wouldn't be able to use the locked entity (afaik)
            return true;
    This will apply for all locked entities on your server however, so add a check to the baseLock maybe. Check who placed the lock, check if the lock is in a zone. etc
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2017