1. What if, a server progressed through Ages/Eras?

    Where each age/era unlocks more items that you can craft?

    Example Image -> https://i2.wp.com/files.facepunch.com/buck2016/February/23/5YWeJyY.jpg

    Stone Age (3 days) ------------ Wood/Stone items
    Bronze Age (4 days) ----------- Gunpowder, Metal Door, Satchel
    Enlightenment Age (7 days) -- Revolver
    Industrial Age (7 days) -------- ???
    Modernity (7 days) ------------ C4, Autoturrets
  2. Going into more details:

    1. How to know when Age Progression starts? Is it possible to know when map wipes, or when it last wiped?

    2. How to keep track of time between Start of Server and End of Current Age to Start of next age and so on?, probably periodically check every X minutes

    3. Potential Config file?

    "Enabled": true,
        "Ages": [
            "Name": "Stone",
            "Hours": 48,
            "BlockedItems": [
            "Name": "Bronze",
            "Hours": 120,
            "BlockedItems": [],
    Could do Blocked Items or Allowed items, either way there will potentially be a TON of items listed, not sure how easy it would be to use Allowed items and each age also allow the items listed in the previous ages

    Also for time, hours seems good, but maybe it will need date and time? Depends on how #2. is done

    4. Broadcast to chat when new Age starts
    Extra: UI that shows current Age/Era
    Command to check current age/era, how long it has been or how long till next age/era

    5. Command to check current items allowed or blocked by current age/era

    6. Anything else Im missing? Any other ideas?
  3. Did this idea ever turn into a plugin or a server? This is definitely an interesting idea due to the current state of Rust and lack of progression. Let me know if you turned this into a plugin.
  4. @rotten made one and he has a server for it, but it seems as if (after all the hype) no one liked it.

    Feel bad for @rotten as his mod must have took months to finalize and get perfect.
  5. interesting, @rotten send me a pm mate, would like to discuss your final implementation if you don't mind.
  6. Hey, I'm here if you'd like to chat about the mod.
  7. I will gladly donate/pay for someone to post an ages/progression system publicly on Oxide :)


    I think Helk is potentially working on progression next, he did a recent poll on twitter of working on cars vs long term persistence next: Helk on Twitter

    Long term persistence is also at the top of the NOW category in the Rust roadmap: Rust - Roadmap
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 23, 2017