1. So i was FINALLY able to make something that will help us use private methods & fields.

    Get a Specific private field:

    This code will let you know in what buildingPrivileges the player is in (so basically the tool cupboards where he is at), this is totally useless of course XD, but it's an example.
    PLUGIN.Name = "test"
    PLUGIN.Title = "test"
    PLUGIN.Version = V(1, 0, 0)
    PLUGIN.Description = "test."
    PLUGIN.Author = "Reneb"
    PLUGIN.HasConfig = false
    function PLUGIN:Init()
        command.AddChatCommand( "test", self.Object, "PLUGIN:cmdTest" )
    endfunction PLUGIN:cmdTest(player,cmd,args)
    -- So first you need to get the field out of BasePlayer type named buildingPrivlidges
    -- var = type:GetField("fieldname"),privatefield
    -- var is the variable that it will be saved in
    -- type is the type of the class
    -- fieldname is the private field name you want
    -- privatefield is rust.PrivateBindingFlag()
    localbuildingPrivileges = global.BasePlayer._type:GetField("buildingPrivlidges", rust.PrivateBindingFlag() ) -- Now we get the value off the player
    bldpriv = localbuildingPrivileges:GetValue(player)-- as buildingPrivlidges is a list you have to read it value by value
    for i=0, bldpriv.Count-1 do
      rust.SendChatMessage(player,"Found a Tool Cupboard, getting names of allowed users")
      locAllowed = bldpriv[i].authorizedPlayers
      for u=0, locAllowed.Count-1 do
    Get a Specific private method:
    PLUGIN.Name = "test"
    PLUGIN.Title = "test"
    PLUGIN.Version = V(1, 0, 0)
    PLUGIN.Description = "test."
    PLUGIN.Author = "Reneb"
    PLUGIN.HasConfig = false
    function PLUGIN:Init()
        command.AddChatCommand( "test", self.Object, "PLUGIN:cmdTest" )
    endfunction PLUGIN:OnServerInitialized()
      -- same way as GetField, but with GetMethod in here
      FallDamage = global.BasePlayer._type:GetMethod("OnPlayerLanded", rust.PrivateBindingFlag() )
    endfunction PLUGIN:cmdTest(player,cmd,args)
      local damageAmount = 100  
      param = util.TableToArray( { damageAmount } )
      -- setting the damageAmount as a Single (float)
      util.ConvertAndSetOnArray( param, 0, damageAmount, System.Single._type )
      -- first argument of invoke is the Source
      -- second argument are all the arguments of the method in an array.
      -- here there is only 1 argument
      FallDamage:Invoke( player, param )
  2. Thanks!
  3. You should also be able to Set a private field (awesome for airdrops ;))
    it should look something like
    CPstartPos = global.CargoPlane._type:GetField("startPos", rust.PrivateBindingFlag() )
    --but after that instead of GetValue it will be SetValue:local startPos = new( UnityEngine.Vector3._type, nil )
    startPos.x = 1000
    startPos.y = 100
    startPos.z = -500
      cargoplane = global.GameManager:CreateEntity("events/cargo_plane",  new( UnityEngine.Vector3._type, nil ) , new( UnityEngine.Quaternion._type, nil ) );
        if (cargoplane != null)

    None of the above was 100% tested, but it's for you guys to get a general idea of how everything works.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1422223461][/DOUBLEPOST]lol i noticed my above post is half lua half C# XD
    [DOUBLEPOST=1422225099][/DOUBLEPOST]Modify airdrop start & end
    working on making the secondsToTake work, atm it can't
    But with this you guys should be able to manage airdrops and set where they will drop the supply (well i'm sure as i tested it :p)

    PLUGIN.Title = "test"
    PLUGIN.Version = V(1, 0, 0)
    PLUGIN.Description = "temp"
    PLUGIN.Author = "Reneb"
    PLUGIN.HasConfig = falsefunction PLUGIN:Init()
        command.AddConsoleCommand("test.test", self.Object, "ccmdAirDrop")
    function PLUGIN:OnServerInitialized()
        CPstartPos = global.CargoPlane._type:GetField("startPos", rust.PrivateBindingFlag() )
        CPendPos = global.CargoPlane._type:GetField("endPos", rust.PrivateBindingFlag() )
        CPsecondsToTake = global.CargoPlane._type:GetField("secondsToTake", rust.PrivateBindingFlag() )
        CPsecondsTaken = global.CargoPlane._type:GetField("secondsTaken", rust.PrivateBindingFlag() )
        CPdropped = global.CargoPlane._type:GetField("dropped", rust.PrivateBindingFlag() )
        startPos = new( UnityEngine.Vector3._type, nil )
        endPos = new( UnityEngine.Vector3._type, nil )
        startPos.x = 1000
        startPos.y = 200
        startPos.z = 1000
        endPos.x = 500
        endPos.y = 200
        endPos.z = 500
        param = util.TableToArray( { 5 } )
        util.ConvertAndSetOnArray( param, 0, 5, System.Single._type )
        secondsToTake = param[0]
    endfunction PLUGIN:OnEntitySpawn(entity)
        if(entity:GetComponentInParent(global.SupplyDrop._type)) then
    endfunction PLUGIN:ccmdAirDrop( arg )
        if(cargoplane) then
        cargoplane = global.GameManager.CreateEntity("events/cargo_plane",  new( UnityEngine.Vector3._type, nil ) , new( UnityEngine.Quaternion._type, nil ) );
        if (cargoplane ~= nil) then
            -- setting secondstotake CANT work
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2015
  4. Awesome! So now i can get KeyCode from lock(what really needed). You also can add it to CopyPaste ;)
        CodeLockField = global.CodeLock._type:GetField("code", rust.PrivateBindingFlag() )
        KeyLockField = global.KeyLock._type:GetField("keyCode", rust.PrivateBindingFlag() )    CodeBoolField = global.CodeLock._type:GetField("hasCode", rust.PrivateBindingFlag() )
        KeyBoolField = global.KeyLock._type:GetField("firstKeyCreated", rust.PrivateBindingFlag() )    local lock = BuildingBlock:GetSlot(global.Slot.Lock)
        local lock_type = lock and ( (lock:GetComponent("CodeLock") and "build/lock.code") or (lock:GetComponent("KeyLock") and "build/lock.key") )
        local key = lock_type and ((lock_type == "build/lock.code" and CodeBoolField:GetValue(lock) and CodeLockField:GetValue(lock)) or ( lock_type == "build/lock.key" and KeyBoolField:GetValue(lock) and KeyLockField:GetValue(lock)))    local pre_lock = buildingBlockBP.lock
        if pre_lock then
            local lock = global.GameManager.CreateEntity(pre_lock.type, newPos, newblock.transform.rotation)        
            if pre_lock.type == "build/lock.code" then
                CodeLockField:SetValue(lock, pre_lock.key)
                CodeBoolField:SetValue(lock, true)
                KeyLockField:SetValue(lock, tonumber(pre_lock.key))
                KeyBoolField:SetValue(lock, true)
            lock:SetParent(newblock2, "lock")
    So, thanks a lot!
  5. Oh, we cant set KeyLockField:SetValue (int32 needed)...
    But it's working for me:

                        local loadinfo = new(global.LoadInfo._type, nil)
                        loadinfo.msg = new(ProtoBuf.Entity._type, nil)
                        loadinfo.msg.keyLock = new(ProtoBuf.KeyLock._type, nil)
                        loadinfo.msg.keyLock.code = tonumber(pre_lock.key)
                        KeyBoolField:SetValue(lock, true)
  6. Exacly that's because it's in int32, not in single.
    Int32 is the tonumber in lua.
    But all movement speeds or distances are in Single and not in Int32.
  7. ye