1. So, is there a way to stop players from building in rocks (allowing cave builds, of course) and under the map? Just found 3 guys who had their mega stashes 20-50 crates full of crud in rocks and under the map and it NEEDS to stop, lol.
  2. RockBlock for Rust | Oxide This should help with the rock building. I must ask, do you happen to have the default antihack disabled? I didn't think it was possible to get into rocks anymore, let alone under the map.
  3. Anti Hack is enabled. It's possible unfortunately... Does RockBlock disable cave bases though? Saw someone mention it did, not sure how true that is.
  4. I believe it has a config option to allow cave bases.
  5. Sure enough, thank you! Love that it tells me who is doing it and where too ;)