1. How to close the admin rights was not able to go with the admin on the server ?
  2. Please use a better translator
  3. I need to know how to disable admin on the server
    not how to go you !
    to generally prohibit
  4. You cant disable it just remove a user auth level
    removeowner steamid64
    then remove user from admin group
  5. there are hackers what change steam ID
    and go under the name of the manufacturer and do everything on the server and gives him level 2 admin I want to block access to the admin forever only using the console to monitor the players have a release or not, command to deny access to the administration ?
  6. @Wulf would know better will let him deal with this
  7. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    We do not support non-Steam/cracked servers here, that's the only way that they can change their Steam ID. Update to an official version of the server if you'd like to prevent it.