1. The steam community itself can be found here http://steamcommunity.com/groups/westwestyall and the server IP:

    I want to get this server out so people know to avoid it, since technically you can’t report or do anything else to a server owned by someone, not that I know of. I made a post out this situation the night before it can be found here https://www.reddit.com/r/playrust/comments/5nb8j6/question_about_a_glitch_please_help/

    **If you’re curious of how the base with the “roof exploit” is it is here http://imgur.com/KLMZBy3 If this really is an issuse then obviously the devs should look into it, but so far I’ve been searching online and have not seen any issues about it anywhere.**

    After that I did contact the admin about this roof exploit we were blamed for from there I added him on steam to go into further detail, I don’t know how to recover the rest of the chat history but he was very kind towards it. Said it didn’t look like anything was wrong, he then later replied with this http://imgur.com/a/GFVEk while I was asleep. It seemed as if he was quite understanding. But it seemed like later on more during the night, or a couple hours after that response he decided to go on and attack our base. As you can see here http://imgur.com/a/J3DvU it is one thing to raid us as an admin, but another to cheat and use your own powers. My friends took screenshots cause it was mainly crazy so I don’t have too many screenshots since I myself wasn’t on, there was apparently up to 6 helis sent out, even players from the server was asking whut was up. He probably did this because his clan and another one they allianced with decided to be really salty with us. During the first conversation we had I did mention the two clans and how his members were part of it, so it was quite confusing as to how he did a complete 180 on me.

    I dont want to go into too much detail from from here but as you can see he wasn’t very friendly and changed http://imgur.com/a/kCRy2 We are the clan faps and they are htm and duo. After I woke up my friends told me the admin was cheating and destroying our base, instead of logging on I decided to message him to try to clear things out and asked whut happened and he replied back http://imgur.com/a/QAw7V and accused my friends of not being new in the game http://imgur.com/a/tydDX

    Here are the two members that were currently chatting and their hours on rust here http://steamcommunity.com/id/getotterhere/ and here http://steamcommunity.com/id/avdepaz/ If you want the other clan members it is here http://steamcommunity.com/id/Obliviandan/ , here http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198097616209/ and my own profile as well http://steamcommunity.com/id/YouBeLion/ I’m the only one with a bunch of hours as I played rust a year and half ago and also leave the game on often to try to get the free skins they give to you.

    Things took a turn when I tried asking why he had a change of mind and his story started not to hold itself http://imgur.com/a/krG27 as you can see here he is starting to say he never saw the picture I sent him and also said he never blamed my friends for exploiting http://imgur.com/a/iXKF4 then flips back to his old story here http://imgur.com/a/uPvTK he tried ending it off with this http://imgur.com/a/go3AZ to say he wasn’t mad at all, and from there I decided to call him out since the entire time I was asking for the picture to where the glitch was happening but he would not give it and eventually deleted me and banned me on both the community forum and eventually his server http://imgur.com/a/H1Plc I should have realized he was a bit shady due to the fact that he said that his members/friends were never being rood in chat, and was asking if they were threatening banning us for using this exploit through voice and not chat, which wasn’t true cause they spammed it in chat a good amount

    Tbh I just want to get this out there just in case anyone else was considering joining, this server actually has a decent amount of people on night time pacific we usually have nearly 40 people on so there’s a good amount of people playing imo. I also want to give light just in case this is an glitch as i do not know. Thank for your time if you managed to reach this far.

    If you want to see the full chat log that steam history didn’t delete yet it can be found here http://imgur.com/a/RFB5g

    TLDR, I’m salty bout an admin basically cheating to take down our base just cause his members/friends were probably crying to him. I don’t usually go out of my way to do this, but we spent a good amount on this and kinda tilting to have such a cheated ending to it.
  2. Most members here are all server owners or coders we don't play on other server so no need to post this as we have nothing to do with private servers